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Etsy - Your place to buy and sell all things handmade, vintage, and supplies. How to Shrink Jeans - Step-by-Step Guides for Offbeat DIY Projects. 101 Incredible Tumblr Blogs for Mens Fashion - StumbleUpon. Everyone gets stuck for inspiration on the odd occasion; let’s face it, we all have trouble every now and again.

101 Incredible Tumblr Blogs for Mens Fashion - StumbleUpon

But fret no more, because the following list of 101 tumblr blogs should keep all you ‘lookbook’ fanatics happy for some time to come. So without further ado, here’s the list. Don’t forget to check out the follow-up post if you fancy another dose of Tumblr goodness: ‘Another 100 Incredible Tumblr Blogs for Men’s Fashion’. PLEASE NOTE: whilst the list is numbered, it’s only been done so you guys can keep track. It shouldn’t be considered a “Top 101″ list as each listing has a piece of tumbring excellence to offer you in its own special way!

2. 3. 4. 5. the constants kept. 6. 7. 8. 9. da-i-net. 10. 11. aeglus. How to fold a suit, pants and shirt to go in a suitcase without wrinkling. How to tie a Scarf. Valet. - Men's Style, Grooming, Living, Shopping & How To Guides. 15 Chic and Creative Ways to Tie a Scarf. How to tie a half-bow scarf To tie the half-bow scarf, you should first loop the scarf around your neck and tie once– like the first step of tying your shoelaces.

15 Chic and Creative Ways to Tie a Scarf

Then, take one side of the scarf and make a one loop, as if you were only tying one side of the bow on your shoes. Take the longer section of the scarf and wrap it in front and then behind the entire scarf, next to your neck. Fluff the loop afterwards to taste. This is a variation on this half-bow scarf tutorial. How to tie a scarf bow Wrap the scarf around your neck and make sure both ends are even. How to braid a scarf Although it looks complicated, this scarf style is easy to tie.

How to tie the scarf rosette belt Wrap a longer scarf around your waist and then twist it until the scarf starts to curl around itself. How to tie a layered knot Start by putting the scarf around your neck so that the ends hang in back. How to tie a simple slip knot Double up your scarf and wrap it around the back of your neck. How to tie a knot row. By - StumbleUpon. Wear Palettes.