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Dead Drop

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How to make your own. ‘Dead Drops’ is open for participation!

How to make your own

Your are free to go for your own Dead Drop! If you want to install a Dead Drop in your city/neighborhood please follow ‘how to’ instruction below and submit the location and pictures when you are done in the form at the bottom of this page. PostSecret. “Dead Drops” preview at Aram Bartholl. I am pleased to preview ‘Dead Drops’ a new project which I started off as part of my ongoing EYEBEAM residency in NYC the last couple weeks.

“Dead Drops” preview at Aram Bartholl

‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. I am ‘injecting’ USB flash drives into walls, buildings and curbs accessable to anybody in public space. You are invited to go to these places (so far 5 in NYC) to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your laptop to a wall, house or pole to share your favorite files and data. Each dead drop contains a readme.txt file explaining the project. Dead drop. A dead drop or dead letter box is a method of espionage tradecraft used to pass items between two individuals using a secret location and thus does not require them to meet directly.

Dead drop

Using a dead drop permits a case officer and agent to exchange objects and information while maintaining operational security. The method stands in contrast to the live drop, so called because two persons meet to exchange items or information. Overview[edit]