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9 Mind-Blowing Epiphanies That Turned My World Upside-Down. Over the years I’ve learned dozens of little tricks and insights for making life more fulfilling. They’ve added up to a significant improvement in the ease and quality of my day-to-day life. But the major breakthroughs have come from a handful of insights that completely rocked my world and redefined reality forever. The world now seems to be a completely different one than the one I lived in about ten years ago, when I started looking into the mechanics of quality of life. It wasn’t the world (and its people) that changed really, it was how I thought of it. Maybe you’ve had some of the same insights. 1. The first time I heard somebody say that, I didn’t like the sound of it one bit. I see quite clearly now that life is nothing but passing experiences, and my thoughts are just one more category of things I experience. If you can observe your thoughts just like you can observe other objects, who’s doing the observing?

2. Of course! 3. 4. 5. Yikes. 6. 7. 8. 9. Your Brain, the Internet and the Universe Have Something Fascinating in Common. “Some part of our being knows this is where we came from,” says Carl Sagan at one point during his epic cosmology-narrating documentary, Cosmos. “We long to return. And we can. Because the cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star-stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” I remember reading that second-t0-last sentence somewhere as a kid before I’d even seen the show in the 1980s. But what if it turned out that what we’ve become over the course of evolutionary eons is about more than just the elemental stuff that stars and planets and nebulae are made of? That’s what a recent study published in the science journal Nature’s Scientific Reports suggests — that not only are we star-stuff, but that there may be a kind of cosmic feedback loop in the design of our brains and what we’ve created using them.

The problem? How big is the universe in mathematical terms? Even still, the original projections put the simulation at three to four years of runtime. Jedi Mind Tricks: 17 Lesser Known Ways to Persuade People. Want to know how to persuade people online and get what you want? The power of influence is usually all that separates the successful from everyone else. These are some tactics, discovered through psychological research, that you have probably not yet heard about, but have the potential to increase your persuasive abilities. I’m not going to cover reciprocity, scarcity or social proof and all those widely known persuasion principles.

You already know all about those (in case you don’t, stop everything and read this book by Cialdini). Related: How Nike’s Making Persuasive Product Pages 1. How to persuade skeptics: Be confident, talk fast The best way to persuade audiences that are not inclined to agree with you, is to talk fast. Want to boost persuasive power? Don Moore from Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Behavioral Decision Research has published research showing that confidence even trumps past accuracy in earning the trust of others. People naturally associate confidence with expertise. 2. The Tripatorium™ | Home. Free News, Magazines, Newspapers, Journals, Reference Articles and Classic Books - Free Online Library.

Drugs World. The iPad's most useful apps, updated for 2012. While the iPad has its limitations, it's really good at a few basic functions. These 22 apps play to the iPad's strengths. I previously said that the Apple iPad is only good for two things (I later added a third), but it's really good at those things. With that in mind, I've compiled a list of the 22 most useful apps for taking advantage of the iPad's strengths, and I've updated it for 2012 and the launch of the third-generation iPad. Keep in mind that this list is skewed toward professionals and technophiles who are using the iPad on a daily basis, but I also realize that these folks tend to use tablets like the iPad for non-work stuff as well, like reading the news in the morning during breakfast or a little entertainment on the plane during a business flight.

Photo gallery The best way to view this list is the photo gallery of screenshots of the 22 apps. 1. This is a 21st century newsreader based on your social graph. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The iPad is a surprisingly good note taker. 7. 8. 9. B. lewis. Aryz. ETAM CRU. Bryan Lewis Saunders - DRUGS.

"Near Death Experience" 25I-NBOMe Abilify / Xanax / Ativan (dosage unknown in hospital) 90mg Abilify (after 3 months usage 3x maximum dose) 1 sm Glass of Absinth 10mg Adderall Alcohol 10mg Ambien Ativan / Haloperidol (doseage unknown in hospital) Bath Salts 15mg Buspar (snorted) 4 Butalbitals (doseage unknown) Butane Honey Oil 250mg Cephalexin (painted w/ watercolor pencil, water and cephalexin) 1/2 gram Cocaine Computer Duster (2 squirts) 2 bottles of Cough Syrup 1 "Bump" of Crystalmeth 20mg Cyclobenzaprine 4mg Dilaudid 1 shot of Dilaudid / 3 shots of Morphine (In the ER with kidney stones) DMT (during and after) 60mg Geodon Hash Heroin (Snorted) Huffing Gas (during and after) Huffing Lighter Fluid 7.5mg Hydrocodone / 7.5mg Oxycodone / 3mg Xanax Khat (chew and tea) 3mg Klonopin 300mg Lithium 10mg Lortab (Shitty) LSD Marijuana (Kine Bud) Marijuana (G13) Marijuana Resin Morphine IV (doseage unknown) Psilocybin Mushrooms (2 caps onset) 2mg Nicotine Gum (after quitting smoking for 2 months) Nitrous Oxide Opium 7.5mg Percocet.

Universe of Desire. February 8th – March 15, 2014 Type. Swipe. Search. Upload. “As human behavior becomes more clickable than physical, we can’t help but wonder what this means for our most basic, biological impulse: sex.” says Mark Snyder, Director of Exhibitions and Co-Curator of “Universe of Desire.” Neuroscientists Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam, authors of the best-selling book, A Billion Wicked Thoughts, provide much of the inspiration for “Universe of Desire.” These anonymous searches bring to question our identity by revealing both the expected “kinks” and “squicks” (squirm-inducing kinks), as well as the broad categories of shared desire that account for 80 percent of internet searches, including “cheating partners”, “youth”, “mature” and various genitalia. Supporting this content is a variety of media that amplifies and humanizes the scientific findings of A Billion Wicked Thoughts. Photographer Natacha Merritt, author of Digital Diaries, has documented herself digitally for the last 14 years.