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Jedi Mind Tricks: 17 Lesser Known Ways to Persuade People

Want to know how to persuade people online and get what you want? The power of influence is usually all that separates the successful from everyone else. These are some tactics, discovered through psychological research, that you have probably not yet heard about, but have the potential to increase your persuasive abilities. I’m not going to cover reciprocity, scarcity or social proof and all those widely known persuasion principles. You already know all about those (in case you don’t, stop everything and read this book by Cialdini). Related: How Nike’s Making Persuasive Product Pages 1. The best way to persuade audiences that are not inclined to agree with you, is to talk fast. Want to boost persuasive power? Don Moore from Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Behavioral Decision Research has published research showing that confidence even trumps past accuracy in earning the trust of others. People naturally associate confidence with expertise. 2. Light swearing, that is. Image credit 3. 4. 5. 6.

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How Technology Disrupted The Truth One Monday morning last September, Britain woke to a depraved news story. The prime minister, David Cameron, had committed an “obscene act with a dead pig’s head”, according to the Daily Mail. “A distinguished Oxford contemporary claims Cameron once took part in an outrageous initiation ceremony at a Piers Gaveston event, involving a dead pig,” the paper reported. Piers Gaveston is the name of a riotous Oxford university dining society; the authors of the story claimed their source was an MP, who said he had seen photographic evidence: “His extraordinary suggestion is that the future PM inserted a private part of his anatomy into the animal.” The story, extracted from a new biography of Cameron, sparked an immediate furore. The REID 9 STEPS OF INTERROGATION, IN BRIEF Most police detectives and interrogators in are trained in the following method of interrogation. Key points to look at here, the suspect really not allowed to talk much until step 8. Another key point with this technique is that it is not concerned with voluntariness of the statement until the police are recording the statement at the end of Step 9. The REID 9 STEPS OF INTERROGATION, IN BRIEF Step One: Direct Positive Confrontation

The 7 Laws Of Attraction By following these 7 essential life principles and making conscious choices with your thoughts, words, and are certain to attract the same right back to you. Did you know there were 7 Laws Of Attraction? Well, it was a surprise to me. Though after I sought more information about the 7 Laws of Attraction, I found that they really are just individual elements broken down into subsets of the main Law. If you read them closely, they are familiar concepts included within the best Law of Attraction teachings. They teach that we attract things into our lives based on our beliefs (being), thoughts, words and actions. Does Money Really Affect Motivation? A Review of the Research How much should people earn? Even if resources were unlimited, it would be difficult to stipulate your ideal salary. Intuitively, one would think that higher pay should produce better results, but scientific evidence indicates that the link between compensation, motivation and performance is much more complex. In fact, research suggests that even if we let people decide how much they should earn, they would probably not enjoy their job more. Even those who highlight the motivational effects of money accept that pay alone is not sufficient. The basic questions are: Does money make our jobs more enjoyable?

Opinion: the ethics and effectiveness of nudging. Since the publication of 2008’s Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein, policy ‘nudges’ have been in fashion, with smaller interventions aimed at altering public behaviour in a subtle manner being adopted by many governments, including in the UK. Frank Mols looked at this phenomenon in a recent journal article, and argues here that while nudges undoubtedly can be effective, their limitations must be kept in mind. This piece originally appeared on Democratic Audit. Governments across the globe –including the UK coalition government—appear to have fallen in love with behavioural economics, and the idea of nudging citizens towards better choices.

How to get what you want: top negotiators on the tricks of their trade The divorce lawyer Ayesha Vardag won the landmark ruling in 2010 that German heiress Katrin Radmacher’s prenuptial agreement was legally binding, protecting her £106m fortune. She also recently won the right for Pauline Chai, wife of Laura Ashley tycoon Khoo Kay Peng, to have her divorce case heard in the UK, paving the way for what could be one of the biggest divorce payouts in history.Growing up, it was just my mother and me. She was busy and stressed, so from an early age I took on responsibilities.

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Cold Reading revealed As a decent mind reader, Derren Brown is capable of telling very personal details about complete strangers. Although they have never met before, Derren knows practically everything about their characters, personal lives, interests, fears and even childhood memories. Cialdini's Six Principles of Influence - Communication Skills Training from MindTools Convincing Others to Say "Yes" (Also known as the Six Weapons of Influence) How do you influence others? © iStockphoto/blackred
