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Videos and Films. Mapbox. Locomotive — Montreal Web Agency. Safari Riot  Radical Norms – Just another WordPress site. AnalogAlgorithm. Akademi™ – Design studio with digital focus. Integration Platform for Connecting SaaS and Enterprise Applications. Teatr Lalka. T H E W E E K N D. Atacac - Kinetic Garment Construction.

MinimalStuff. Free Prototyping and User Experience Testing Tool for iOS & Android Apps. CanvasFlip. Proud & Punch. VR Sessions. The Way to Design by Steve Vassallo.

UI Errores. Anne Thai . Design . Art Direction. Concrete. Home - ZED Books. Sideways Dictionary. Vi Novell 2017. Responsive web design tool, CMS, and hosting platform. Vol1. TABBY EVO open source hardware platform for EV. Circuito. Open Source Modular Analog Video Processor. Vaus spaceship: Sintetizadores de video (comerciales y DIY) Recientemente unos amigos de música, imagen y pensamiento me preguntaron si era posible hacer circuit bending con televisores CRT y cacharros afines de cara a hacer visuales más originales prescindiendo de ordenadores.

vaus spaceship: Sintetizadores de video (comerciales y DIY)

Wolfram Programming Lab (Open Cloud) 5 entornos gráficos para Arduino – robologs. Una de las ventajas de Arduino es, a parte de su sencillez, la posibilidad de elaborar nuestro código mediante entornos gráficos a base de iconos, una buena opción si no queremos perder mucho tiempo creando el software o si queremos aprender las bases de la programación.

5 entornos gráficos para Arduino – robologs

Guias. Esta lista fue iniciada por chiva en el foro de arduino, pasándose a la wiki para que cualquiera pudiera añadir más recursos.


Ideomethodcards. Setting up your Touch Board with Arduino. Step 7 Uploading the example code to the board Select “Bare Conductive Touch Board” in the Tools→Board menu.

Setting up your Touch Board with Arduino

In the Tools→Port menu, search for the ports labeled “Bare Conductive Touch Board”. In Linux and on Mac, there may be several options: choose the one that has CU in the name. Mais de 40 documentários sobre criatividade, design e publicidade — Revista Trendr. The Yonder Lamp. “But soft!

The Yonder Lamp

What light through yonder window breaks?” In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it’s the east, but the Yonder lamp at IDEO Tokyo (which takes its name from this famous quote) brings in the light from the west—way west. The lamp projects the daylight outside IDEO’s London studio, like a digital window to the sky across the world. A sensor in London detects the brightness and color temperature of the light and sends the information to the lamp in Japan, which then casts that same light. Afinidad eléctrica. En la actualidad la iluminación por LEDs ha adquirido una gran importancia debido a las numerosas ventajas que ofrece sobre los sistemas de iluminación tradicionales, como ser un reducido consumo de energía, larga vida útil y una gran variedad de formas y colores que estimulan la creatividad y la curiosidad.

afinidad eléctrica

Graphic presentation. Arte cinético. DMY International Design Festival. Odd Matter: Node — Thisispaper — What we save, saves us. Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary. Est tica da luz. Tylko design — Thisispaper — What we save, saves us. LICHT KUNST LICHT AG. Installation — Liz West. An Additive Mix Light Installation (T8 fluorescent bulbs, cellulose gels, polycarbonate sleeves, mirror, wood, metal frame)1000cm (L) x 500cm (W) x 240cm (H)2015 Liz West's light installation takes centre stage in an exhibition at the National Media Museum, celebrating the UNESCO International Year of Light.

Installation — Liz West

This newly commissioned work comprises a purpose-built 10m x 5m room containing 250 coloured fluorescent tubes combined with ‘infinity’ mirrors. Titled An Additive Mix, it takes the principle that white light is composed of different colours of the spectrum (additive colours) and places people in the centre of the phenomenon; saturating them in individual hues that collectively create an intense white glow in a seemingly endless space. An Additive Mix, West’s largest commission to date, turns this occurrence in natural science on its head; reassembling the diffracted colours of the rainbow and projecting them to ‘infinity’ as visitors explore. PLOT / Retrospectiva de Louis Kahn en Vitra. Home Page. Noisy Jelly Arduino Project. I’m not typically prone to hyperbole, but I have to say, this is one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my entire life.

Noisy Jelly Arduino Project

The Noisy Jelly Arduino project is a glorious game where players start as chefs and end as musicians. With this noisy chemistry lab, the gamer will create his own jelly [jello] with water and a few grams of agar powder. Interactive design with Arduino. Let’s start with the basics: Arduino is an open-source, flexible electronics prototyping platform pitched at designers, hobbyists and other inquisitive, creative people who are interested in building interactive projects quickly and with relative ease.

Interactive design with Arduino

It works by gathering inputs from various sensors, and in turn controlling a selection of different outputs, such as LEDs or motors. You tell the microcontroller what to do using Arduino’s own programming language (similar to Wiring), while its integrated development environment (IDE) is based on Processing – and many creative projects use the two in tandem to generate visual outputs. There’s a real plug-and-play, DIY feel to Arduino, and the vast open-source community that surrounds the technology encourages designers to push their boundaries, experiment and try new things.

Partners « iMADE. Las actuales enseñanzas de artes plásticas y diseño - Ángeles Saura Pérez, María Acaso López-Boch, Pedro J. Alonso Pérez, Clara Boj Tovar, Daniel Zapatero Guillén - Google Libros. À la recherche - Points of reflected light at the club Les Bains / by @artcom. Latest in the series of mesmerising installations by ART+COM is À la recherche, a site specific installation that covers the surrounding walls of a newly refurbished legendary Les Bains nightclub in scattered points of reflected light from which the words “Re Trouve Le Temps Perdu” are composed over and over again.

À la recherche - Points of reflected light at the club Les Bains / by @artcom

These words can be understood as “The lost times are found” (Le Temps Perdu Retrouve) or “Find the lost times” (Retrouve Le Temps Perdu) depending on where the viewer starts reading. The words are a reference to the legendary past of the space as Les Bains nightclub and ties into Marcel Proust’s magnum opus “À la recherche du temps perdu” (In Search of Lost Time), in which involuntary memories triggered by everyday activities, objects and sensations is the recurring motif. The World of OLED Lighting. Descubrir la luz - Principios - Proyectos de iluminación orientados a la percepción. Gottfried Helnwein. Huerta Tipográfica. The League of Moveable Type. Entre fuentes. Analog Hard Disk.. Analog HD1 you can buy a kit Analog HD 2 kit. Body liberation through the lens. Polly Penrose has mastered the art of the nude selfie – and then some.

The London-based photographer has just wrapped her first solo exhibition, where she showed A Body of Work, a series of nude self-portraits celebrating the female body for all its flaws and imperfections. Developed over seven years, the pictures she took reflected her then-emotional mental state – although she didn’t realise it at the time. The series, which Penrose describes as a “compulsion that just grew and grew”, shows the photographer fitting her body into spaces – over a stack of chairs, in the corner where stairs meet floor, and even on a boardroom table.

She explains: “My pictures are simply a response to a space and its contents. ARTE, EROTISMO Y CIENCIA: LENGUAJES POSMODERNOS PARA DIALOGAR CON DIOS Por Martha Leticia Marínez de León. A lo largo del tiempo, particularmente a partir del Renacimiento la relación del hombre con Dios fue distinta, podría decirse que antes de esta época se consideraba que era Dios quien se relacionaba con el ser humano, pero este orden en los primeros tiempos otorgó a la humanidad el sentido de Revelación. El Dios de las tres grandes religiones es un Dios que se hace presente en la historia, particularmente porque se comunica a través de la experiencia, con la naturaleza, con los sentidos y sobre todo consigo mismo, acto que desemboca en el encuentro con el otro, pero este semejante a quien olvidamos constantemente es un reflejo de lo que somos nosotros mismos, una trinidad humana, Imagen de la Trinidad Divina donde Dios es nuestra espiritualidad/arte, El hijo encarnado nuestra sexualidad y el Espíritu Santo la Ciencia y es a partir de esta concepción trinitaria divina-humana, que pretendo desarrollar este dialogo, para el cual creo necesario explicar un poco cada concepto.

The Colored Pencil Drawings of Marco Mazzoni Depict the Cycles of Nature. Milan-based artist Marco Mazzoni works almost exclusively with colored pencils to create intricate drawings that depict the cycles of nature and worlds based heavily in Italian folklore. One of his most frequent subjects are drawings of flora and fauna who seem to be consuming or living on top of the face of a woman whose eyes we never see. The artist says he consciously does not depict the eyes so the viewer doesn’t consider the artwork a portrait, but instead a still life where all elements have equal importance. Via Galleria Patricia Armocida: Mazzoni weaves a world based on Italian folklore, made up of Janas and Cogas, female figures who, according to Sardinian beliefs, seduce, enchant, curse, and heal.

Madera curvada con un cortador láser. The Chrysalis Project Puts 3D Design on the Web in a Very Cool Way. 3D SuperShapes [Processing] - Explore minimal but beautiful superformula object transformations in 3D. Pixelnoizz. When i have been begining to develop my birds and creatures, i did not think about the physical aspects of my work. Maybe i was waiting to a small “push”. But i got this support soon, from a fantastic curator, Nora O’Murchú. She invited me to exhibit on the show called “Run Computer Run” which takes place in Dublin. here is a small text about the idea behind my work: Creatures Creatures were created two years ago from artifacts. Neurogami - Scripting Processing with MIDI using Renoise. Scripting Processing with MIDI using Renoise March 2014 Note: This is the article that was originally posted over on Instructables Overview.

Aaron Koblin: Aesthetic Evolution Of Data Visualization. Aaron Koblin: Aesthetic Evolution Of Data Visualization Generative Art Graphic Design Interviews Software Art A couple of years ago Lev Manovich, famous guru of new media, was introducing the concept of Information Aesthetics, referring to the ways of visualizing emerging information and based on the creativity and alternative representations. On the basis of this concept, quantitive and qualitative data have become the main interest and desire of artists and designers, who have already begun to experiment new techniques and ways to generate shapes and fabulous software.

Today info-aesthetics could be considered as an actual academic discipline, but most of all a fertile context of research and planning, where key elements for the “information society” are discussed, like for example, information overload, decision making processes, interfaces rom the future and the elaboration techniques of data on the spot. 317VCPreA walkman driver for eurorack Files: - Manual - 317VCPreA154.fzz - 317V... » Blog Archive » Construcción de sistemas analógicos/digitales para análisis/transmisión y visualización de frecuencias visibles. InterfacingWithHardware. These topics cover the hardware and software setup required to connect an Arduino device with a variety of electronic parts, chips and devices. A related topic not covered under this section is the shield, boards that plug directly into an Arduino's pin layout.

Information on the creation and use of specific shields belongs in that section. Information on shields in general and their creation belongs here. Inside the Small Brooklyn Studio Making the Wackiest Synths I've Seen. LZX Industries - analogue video synthesizer modules and devices. Under Construction Some of the information on this page is out of date, and we are in the process of revising it. Un estudiante de animación crea un vídeo con miles de capturas de pantalla de escritorio. Interactive design with Arduino. Cine Surrealista, Avant Garde, algo de Bizarro y Onirico - Taringa!

Bienvenidos a mi post de peliculas Surrealistas, Avant-Garde, Bizarras, con toques magicos y fantásticos, con mundos oniricos, algunas con un trama casi infantil, otros que hacen pensar que el director es un verdadero psicópata, algo de cine arte, de culto (pero del bueno) y humor negro. Filmografia. 9 Buscadores de información académica para estudiantes e investigadores. Morfología y Fabricación Digital. 3D Printed Mesostructured Materials : ANDREAS BASTIAN. Lattice Hinge Design — Minimum Bend Radius. Deferred Procrastination. Salone satellite 2010: elastic wood by gilli kuchik. Living Material - Twig Vessels - THE METHOD CASE.

Un nuevo espacio para desarrollar conocimiento e innovación. 3D printed cork eyewear 'Oak and Dust' are customized to fit your face. D'ARC.STUDIO. Recycled Wood Necklaces by TreeHorn Design. Visión Sustentable - Responsabilidad Empresaria - Sabías que? Recycled Toy Furniture by Greg Lynn.