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Portfolio model.jpg. ePortfolios with GoogleApps. Portfolio Example. Cisneros’ unique way of writing is prominent in her short story, "Geraldo No Last Name. " The short story contains long and short sentences. It has simple words and she includes foreign words from the nearby country of Mexico. As the story draws on, the feeling of being lost, confused, and sad is being transferred to the reader. Cisneros achieves the effect of a sad, somber tone in "Geraldo No Last Name" by the choice of words she uses, simple diction. In the first paragraph, readers can already recognize Cisneros’ unique way of embedding short sentences with long sentences.

By the third paragraph, Cisneros is able to generate a tone or feeling of anxiety. Towards the end of the short story, Cisneros starts describing Geraldo with no last name and she passes along to readers another tone of dejection. Cisneros' "Geraldo No Last Name" is a prime example of how carefully she chooses her words to establish a tone of lament, somber, and grief. Portfolios. Portfolios What is a Portfolio? Are Portfolios Authentic Assessments?

Why use Portfolios? How do you Create a Portfolio Assignment? Purpose: What is the purpose(s) of the portfolio? Audience: For what audience(s) will the portfolio be created? Content: What samples of student work will be included? Note: My focus will be on portfolios of student work rather than teacher portfolios or other types.

Student portfolios take many forms, as discussed below, so it is not easy to describe them. Some suggest that portfolios are not really assessments at all because they are just collections of previously completed assessments. Are portfolios authentic assessments? Furthermore, in the more thoughtful portfolio assignments, students are asked to reflect on their work, to engage in self-assessment and goal-setting. Portfolios provide an excellent vehicle for consideration of process and the development of related skills. Why might you use a portfolio assignment? 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Three Ring | An App for Teachers.

Seelio. iWebfolio v4.8. Learning e-portfolio. This article or chapter is incomplete and its contents need further attention. Some information may be missing or may be wrong, spelling and grammar may have to be improved, use your judgment! 1 Definition “ The (learning) portfolio concept is not a new concept. Indeed the French teacher, Celestine Freinet, introduced them in the late twenties of the last century in his classes. In the last years there appears to be a rebirth of this concept - mainly driven by technological development. ” (Kalz, 2005: 164). See the electronic portfolio article for portfolios other than learning, student, learner portfolios and personal learning environment for its integration into the social software in education movement. 1.1 Portfolios A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas. 1.2 e-Portfolios Here are some quotations that provide definitions of e-Portfolios: 2 Why e-Portfolios ?

3.2 According to function. ePortfolios for Learning. ePortfolios with GoogleApps 2. This Google Site has been set up by Dr. Helen Barrett to focus on the use of Google Apps to create ePortfolios. On this site, there are instructions on how to use the different elements of Google Apps to maintain e-portfolios. Are you a K-12 educator wanting to use Google products with your students? I recommend that you don't set up "regular" public Google accounts for them... instead, set up a GoogleApps for Education domain where you can enroll your students and control access.

See the following Google Websites: See these Pros and Cons of "public" accounts vs. Google Tools for Schools (a clearinghouse of Google resources to support Google Boot Camp workshops) Here are a few great blog posts about a school implementing GoogleApps: Watershed School story of implementing GoogleAppsGoogle Video Conference, October 6, 2009: Recorded webinar (in Youtube) • Slide presentation • Q&A Session Transcript. Portfolio. Digital Portfolios. Digital Portfolios Note to all visitors: If any of the documents don’t open for you, try finding them at If you want to contribute to this e-portfolio or digital portfolio page, please add your thoughts in the comments box. Please say which programs the students used, or whether they utilized Web2 tools like blogs or Wikis. Thanks! General information about Electronic or Digital Portfolios Check out this great slide presentation about interactive e-portfolios You can also find the slides here: Blog: (and notes here: and in slideshare: Tools for reflective learning with students Teacher Journeys with digital portfolios Digital portfolio Examples: Teacher portfolios Digital portfolio examples: Student portfolios Digital Portfolio Examples Class Web Pages From Around The World Using wikis as digital portfolios.

ePortfolios For All: A Roadmap For Success. All Things Google: Using Google for Writing Portfolios. Since ProfHacker launched, we’ve written a lot about Google Documents. George, for instance, has written about using it for collaborative work, and we’ve also run posts on using the tool in writing classes, both for work in general and for peer review in particular. For a few years now, I’ve been asking the students in the writing course I teach each fall to do their writing in Google Docs. (Yes, I teach writing, even though I’m in the Political Science department. My college has a “writing across the curriculum” program, and teaching in such a program provides some real benefits to faculty.) This past semester, I decided to experiment a bit. In our writing program, students must submit a portfolio at the end of the semester. That portfolio is then evaluated by one (sometimes two) readers other than the instructor.

After doing some initial investigation, I got the go-ahead to try it. I was very pleased with the results of this experiment. What about you? Return to Top. Comprendre et enseigner l’identité numérique. L’identité numérique est devenue, avec l’accélération de l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux par nos élèves et la prolifération des données personnelles sur le Web un thème de formation essentiel en information - documentation pour les aider à contrôler leur e-réputation, maîtriser leur image publique et la gestion des traces laissées sur le net.

Plusieurs ressources, publiées depuis peu, proposent des pistes pédagogiques ou des dossiers plus généraux sur lesquels fonder la formation à l’identité numérique avec les élèves. Appréhender la notion d’identité numérique Quelle est notre identité sur le web ? Dossier de l’académie de Besançon mis à jour en septembre 2011. Identité numérique : Comment traiter ce sujet en classe Anne Delineau sur la rubrique Clemi des documentalistes de l’académie de Poitiers publie un dossier en décembre 2011. Sommaire - : Définition - Quand en parler avec les élèves ? Comment sensibiliser les élèves à la question de l’identité numérique ?

Rappels Mise à jour 2018. How to Create a Portfolio with Evernote (Education Series) Bio Rob is a teacher at Trillium Charter School in Portland, where he primarily instructs students aged 8-11. He has been working to develop online portfolios with students for the past six years and has taught in private schools, traditional public schools and public charter schools for the past 15 years. I use Evernote, Everywhere: iPhoneiPod TouchiPadMacWindows E-Portfolios: a student’s project warehouse and progress tracker I started teaching 15 years ago and that is when I first came across this concept of a ‘portfolio.’ Initially, I had my students create paper portfolios. We had a bin where we’d put these documents and at the end of the year, they’d have 10-20 pieces that they’d take with them into the next school year. After spending years with paper portfolios, I’ve transitioned this concept into digital form, and have started to implement Evernote as the primarily system for creating portfolios in my classroom.

Evernote as an portfolio system Parent/Teacher conferences and Evernote. Docs - ePortfolios with GoogleApps. Salt Lake Community College - It is now a requirement in all General Education courses for students to create an ePortfolio that contains their significant assignments and reflections about those assignments. The ePortfolio also allows students to document their goals and extra-curricular activities as well as to post their resume.

Salt Lake Community College's ePortfolio initiative is a great way for students to make sense of General Education and share their learning experiences with friends, family, and scholarship committees. Faculty are also going to want to see your ePortfolio before they write a letter of recommendation for you. As you can see from our navigation pane on the left, we have information about the ePortfolio initiative tailored for students and faculty. ePortfolio Introductory Videos! Watch the video below to get an overview of how to make the most of SLCC's General Education ePortfolio requirement. ePortfolio Introductory Video ...Or read the Video Transcript. Course: Creating Student e-Portfolios with Google Sites. Dr. Helen Barrett's Electronic Portfolios.