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ePortfolios with GoogleApps. This Google Site has been set up by Dr.

ePortfolios with GoogleApps

Helen Barrett to focus on the use of Google Apps to create ePortfolios. On this site, there are instructions on how to use the different elements of Google Apps to maintain e-portfolios. Are you a K-12 educator wanting to use Google products with your students? I recommend that you don't set up "regular" public Google accounts for them... instead, set up a GoogleApps for Education domain where you can enroll your students and control access. See the following Google Websites: See these Pros and Cons of "public" accounts vs. Занятие 1. Занятие 2. Занятие 3. Занятие 4. Занятие 5. Bestfolios - UI/UX Design Portfolio Inspiration and Showcase. MOSEP - Module 0.1. In recent years, the interest, work and research on the ePortfolio method and the number of tools for ePortfolios has grown constantly.

MOSEP - Module 0.1

More and more books, reports and articles about the method and experiences are published. Following, we introduce in origins of the concept, definitions and important processes of the e-portfolio method. Definitions of "e-portfolio" According to the EduMedia Group from Salzburg Research, the following remarks can be made about the origins of the ePortfolio method (c.p.

1-Overview (What?) - Introduction to K-12 ePortfolios. INPUTS (Objectives, Readings, Videos) Learning Objectives: You will: explore the multiple purposes and processes for creating electronic portfolios in K-12 Schools.explore previous portfolio experiencesexplore the variety of online examples of online electronic portfolios explore the variety of online resources available to construct an online portfolioset up (or adapt) blog as reflective journal.

1-Overview (What?) - Introduction to K-12 ePortfolios

Repository BNTU - Электронное портфолио специалиста. 5 Good Options for Creating Digital Portfolios. Over the course of the school year our students create some fantastic digital products.

5 Good Options for Creating Digital Portfolios

Building a digital portfolio is a great way for students to look back at everything they've done and organize it into a cohesive package. The following five tools are good services for creating digital portfolios. Silk is a free service for creating webpages organized around a theme or topic. Silk is intended to be a place where you can share collections of materials as well as write text directly into your webpages. Your Silk dashboard provides a place to organize your materials into collections and subcollections. Pathbrite. Зачем школьнику резюме Первый самодельный фильм, код для школьного сайта или отчет о спортивных победах иногда способны впечатлить куда больше, чем самое выигрышное резюме.


Pathbrite придумали, как сделать портфолио школьников и студентов без опыта работы по-настоящему показательными. Что может предъявить работодателю неопытный молодой человек, только вчера покинувший школьную скамью? Создатель Pathbrite, Хизер Хилес, cчитает, что немало: например, фотографии с соревнования, видео-запись доклада, эссе или песню собственного сочинения. Кроме традиционных дипломов и грамот — бэйджи и сертификаты, полученные за прохождение онлайн-курсов. Pathbrite — это еще и социальная сеть: здесь делятся учебными материалами, советуются с однокурсниками и даже экспертами. Мир становится всё более визуально-ориентированным: считывать информацию с картинок многим гораздо привычней, чем просматривать тексты.

Всё для web-портфолио (новое!!!) - В помощь студенту! (материалы для подготовки) - Каталог файлов - mediaeducation space. Заказ реферата (диплома) по теме осуществляется здесь.

Государственное автономное образовательное учреждение дополнительного профессионального образования «Институт развития образования и социальных технологий» Государственное казенное образовательное учреждение. Portfolio Basics for Web Design Students: Writing Effective & Convincing Copy. Writing effective copy for your portfolio can help turn it into an effective lead generation tool.

Portfolio Basics for Web Design Students: Writing Effective & Convincing Copy

Usually, your portfolio will be viewed by others without you present, meaning the viewer will have to make assumptions about you without any other outside information. Writing copy for your portfolio can be hard, but if you understand the target market you are trying to attract with your web design portfolio, you can become more effective at enticing the right people to contact you. Defining Your Target Market Building your online portfolio is very much the same as working for a client, except the client is yourself. Student Portfolio Instructions and Ideas - The Skills Library.

Instructions and Tips for Student Portfolios IntroductionPlanning the Portfolio and Gathering Portfolio IdeasCreating the Portfolio OnlineCreating a Welcome MessagePortfolio Product IdeasIntegrity and Online SafetyPortfolios and Job SearchTechnical TipsUsing HTML in an essay/narrative Introduction The purpose of a portfolio is to help students to document their skills and achievements, to challenge students to create their best work, and to help students to reflect on what they have accomplished.

Student Portfolio Instructions and Ideas - The Skills Library

The Online Skills Portfolio is an online portfolio that allows students to display a wide variety of products, including documents, presentations, spreadsheets, photos and artwork. For each portfolio product, students write a brief description and complete a skills checklist. Students create the portfolio online, using an online form to describe the project and to upload files for the portfolio. The Skills Portfolio is found at It was created by Jennifer Leonard, The Skills Library, Inc.

Примеры портфолио

Electronic Portfolios in the K-12 Classroom. The use of personal portfolios for assessment and presentation long has been a component of higher education.

Electronic Portfolios in the K-12 Classroom

In fact, personal portfolios are a graduation requirement at many colleges and universities. Now, electronic portfolios have begun to enter the world of K-12 education as well. Learn what electronic portfolios are and discover how they can help you and benefit your students. Included: Guidelines for developing personal portfolios. "A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work demonstrating the student's achievement or growth as characterized by a strong vision of content," according to Todd Bergman , an independent consultant and a teacher at Mt. Helen Barrett, an assistant professor and educational technology coordinator for the School of Education at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, provides another definition, one developed by the Northwest Evaluation Association: