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Text messaging in class and outside

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25 ideas for using WhatsApp with English language students | Oxford University Press. Philip Haines is the Senior Consultant for Oxford University Press, Mexico. As well as being a teacher and teacher trainer, he is also the co-author of several series, many of which are published by OUP. Today he joins us to provide 25 engaging and useful classroom activities for language learners using WhatsApp.

There are three main obstacles to the use of technology in ELT. First is the availability of technology and internet connection in the classroom. Second is teacher techno-phobia. WhatsApp or similar messaging services can help overcome these obstacles. Many self-confessed, techno-phobic teachers that I know use WhatsApp on a regular basis in their private lives, so already feel quite comfortable with it. Here are 25 ideas of how to make good use of WhatsApp for language learning. Like this: Like Loading... Une chose à éviter pour que vos textos aient l’air sincères. La plupart d’entre nous pensons certainement que l’utilisation d’une ponctuation à la fin d’un texto n’a aucune incidence sur la manière dont celui-ci est interprété. Pourtant, une étude réalisée à Binghamton University, New York, a révélé que lorsque votre message se termine par un point, celui-ci parait généralement moins sincère.

Afin d’en arriver à cette conclusion, les chercheurs ont demandé à 126 étudiants de lire des échanges puis d’évaluer la sincérité des messages. Et étrangement, les messages qui se terminent avec un point ont été moins bien notés que les messages qui ne se terminent pas par ce signe de ponctuation. Ainsi, dans le langage SMS, il y aurait une différence entre l’interprétation d’un « Ouais » et celle d’un « Ouais. ». Mais le plus étonnant, c’est que sur des billets écrits à la main, ce manque de sincérité n’a pas été perçu par les étudiants, ce qui permet de dire que ce nouveau sens donné au signe de ponctuation ne concerne que les textos. (Source) Pros and Cons of Using Text Messages for School Announcements. Yesterday, I published a post about the pros and cons of using social media for distributing school announcements. Today, let's take a look at the pros and cons for using text message services to distribute class and school announcements.

The services you might use for sending messages: For this post I'm going to include not only services that send SMS but also services that simply allow push notifications/reminders on students' and parents' mobile devices. Some of the most popular services for sending SMS and push notifications to students and parents include Remind, ClassDojo Messenger, Google Voice, Class Messenger,, and WhatsDue. Pros of using text messages for announcements: Immediate broadcast of messages to large groups of students and parents. As you venture down the road to using social media and text messaging with students it's also important to clearly communicate to parents why you're using these methods to broadcast school information.

Messaging, Walkie Talkie app for Team communication | Voxer.