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Base64 Online - base64 decode and encode. This online sample demonstrates functionality of a base64 property, ByteArray class and Huge asp file upload.

Base64 Online - base64 decode and encode

You can convert texts using several code pages (using CharSet property) from Unicode string to byte array and then convert the binary data to a Base64 string. The sample uses a special Base64 algorithm written for the ByteArray class. The Base64 conversion algorithm is written in C++ and works with binary (VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1) and String (BSTR) OLE data. It contains hi-speed and low-memory consumption BSTR->BSTR, BSTR->BINARY, BINARY->BSTR and BSTR->BSTR algorithms. Source code of the coding algorithm is available within distribution license of a ScriptUtilities library. Revolver Maps - Free 3D Visitor Maps. Privnote - Envoyer des notes qui s'auto-détruiront après avoir été lu.

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