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With This Greenhouse It Is Now Possible To Grow Crops In The Desert. A non-profit organization called “Roots Up” has designed a greenhouse that collects moisture from the air, which then is used to water the plants.

With This Greenhouse It Is Now Possible To Grow Crops In The Desert

This new design can help farmers in areas where the lack of proper temperature and rainfall make it difficult to grow crops. Britain facing 'agricultural crisis' as scientists warn there are only 100 harvests left in our farm soil. With a growing population and the declining standard of British farmland, scientists warned that we are on course for an “agricultural crisis” unless dramatic action is taken.

Britain facing 'agricultural crisis' as scientists warn there are only 100 harvests left in our farm soil

Despite the traditional perception that there is a green and pleasant land outside the grey, barren landscape of our cities, researchers from the University of Sheffield found that on average urban plots of soil were richer in nutrients than many farms. Sampling local parks, allotments and gardens in urban areas, Dr Jill Edmondson showed that the ground was significantly healthier than that of arable fields. Allotment soil had 32% more organic carbon, 36% higher carbon to nitrogen ratios, 25% higher nitrogen and was significantly less compacted. Professor Nigel Dunnett, also of the University of Sheffield, said that in order to ensure we can produce food for future generations we must start to see towns and cities as the future of farming. The Benefits of Stinging Nettles. Permacuture General. At least 12 reasons to plant comfrey (Symphytum officinale) in your permaculture garden.

We’re treating soil like dirt. It’s a fatal mistake, because all human life depends on it. Imagine a wonderful world, a planet on which there was no threat of climate breakdown, no loss of freshwater, no antibiotic resistance, no obesity crisis, no terrorism, no war.

We’re treating soil like dirt. It’s a fatal mistake, because all human life depends on it

Surely, then, we would be out of major danger? Sorry. Even if everything else were miraculously fixed, we’re finished if we don’t address an issue considered so marginal and irrelevant that you can go for months without seeing it in a newspaper. It’s literally and – it seems – metaphorically, beneath us. Self-Seeding Crops You’ll Never Need to Replant. One of the characteristics of a truly sustainable garden is that it produces at least some of its own seed.

Self-Seeding Crops You’ll Never Need to Replant

This is most often done when gardeners select, harvest and store seeds until the proper time for planting the following year. But some self-seeding crops produce seeds so readily that as long as you give them time to flower and mature, and set seed, you will always have free plants growing in your garden. How to make a bamboo polytunnel. We used a local renewable material, caña (like bamboo).

How to make a bamboo polytunnel

You could use anything long and bendy – we would like to try it with hazel next time we are further north. The only items we paid for are the plastic and string (pita string made from fibres of the giant succulent Agave plant). It took six days with four people working. It's a lovely material to work with, flexible, strong and graceful. The challenge throughout is to balance and work with the natural forces of the material. Step 1 Select locally growing caña and do a flex test. Step 2. Temperate Climate Permaculture. The Permaculture Wardrobe Permaculturists frequently speak about the Permaculture Wardrobe.

Temperate Climate Permaculture

I first heard it from Geoff Lawton, but I am not sure if the concept originated with him. When Engineers Grow Food Forests (TED video) Dr.

When Engineers Grow Food Forests (TED video)

Akira Miyawaki has a job many of us would enjoy — planting forests on degraded land. He once was asked by Toyota (in India) to help them become carbon neutral and turn their factories into healthier, greener and ‘environment friendly’ places. He has developed a methodology to make forests grow ten times faster than normal. Building Community Through Permaculture. Marcin Gerwin: You used to work as an architect for a large company.

Building Community Through Permaculture

How did you come to be involved in permaculture? Mark Lakeman: I was working for a large firm in 1988 and I wasn’t exposed to permaculture while working in a corporate career, which was very typical. Permaculture and the Myth of Scarcity. This is the second article in our series by the speakers of Voices of Hope in a Time of Crises, a one-day event, which will explore localized solutions to our global problems and launch the International Alliance for Localization.

Permaculture and the Myth of Scarcity

Join the discussion on November 8th at The Cooper Union in New York City. By Charles Eisenstein At a conference a couple weeks ago, an activist who does work in Africa recounted an encounter she had with the minister of agriculture of a certain African country. The minister spoke with excitement about the high-tech agricultural technologies he was bringing into the country in partnership with large agribusiness companies, so the activist brought up the topic of organic agriculture. The Many Benefits of Hugelkultur. Hugelkultur, pronounced Hoo-gul-culture, means hill culture or hill mound.

The Many Benefits of Hugelkultur

Instead of putting branches, leaves and grass clippings in bags by the curbside for the bin men... build a hugel bed. Simply mound logs, branches, leaves, grass clippings, straw, cardboard, petroleum-free newspaper, manure, compost or whatever other biomass you have available, top with soil and plant your veggies. The advantages of a hugel bed are many, including: A New Opportunity For Investing In Productive Farmland. Chris Martenson: Welcome to this Peak Prosperity podcast. I am your host, Chris Martenson. And you know, here at Peak Prosperity, we talk a lot about the need for new models and ways of doing business that comport well within the growing economic, energetic, and environmental constraints that are bearing down on us. Today I am pleased to welcome back Craig Wichner. Permaculture Courses A Permaculture Community » Permaculture Courses. What do you expect from a community that describes itself as a permaculture project?

Permaculturists. How Mushrooms Can Clean Up Radioactive Contamination - An 8 Step Plan. Many people have written me and asked more or less the same question: "What would you do to help heal the Japanese landscape around the failing nuclear reactors? " The enormity and unprecedented nature of this combined natural and human-made disaster will require a massive and completely novel approach to management and remediation. And with this comes a never before seen opportunity for collaboration, research and wisdom. The nuclear fallout will make continued human habitation in close proximity to the reactors untenable.

The earthquake and tsunami created enormous debris fields near the nuclear reactors. Building a Rain Garden. Sandi Gill-Smith is a retired scientist who lives in the Washington D.C. area with her ailing husband Ivan. As he slowly loses his mobility, the couple continues to become more home-bound. She commissioned Ecologia Design, founded by author Michael Judd, to convert her yard to an edible one that would lure them outside with its beauty and bounty. The site's first challenge was finding a way to harvest the massive amount of water than runs off a neighbor's yard and funnels along their house and driveway to the road. Hope in a Changing Climate - by John D. Liu (2009) How we ended up paying farmers to flood our homes. Using Permaculture Design to Prepare for Floods. Nowadays extreme weather is becoming more and more common and it seems that 'freak events' are becoming normal; in fact there was extreme storm after extreme storm all winter affecting a lot of the UK with flooding, tidal surges, power cuts, fallen trees and damage from high winds.

Any of us can be affected by extreme weather at any time of the year, as I know after experiencing localised flooding in June 2012 where only 10 properties were affected which are nowhere near a river, flood plain or the sea and don't appear on the Environment Agency's flood risk map. Climate change, extreme weather, storms and flooding around the world seem to be rarely out of the headlines. June 2012 was reported as the UK's wettest June on record. Some areas received a month's worth of rain in 24 hours on top of generally higher than average rainfall. Pit Greenhouses. Pit Greenhouses Depending on latitude, but despite above ground air temperatures (and wind chill), 6 to 8 feet down into the earth, temperatures remain fairly constant, between 50 and 60°F.

Spring 2014. Food Forest Open Source Hub. Intentional earth stewardship by creating an abundant and productive food forest is, in our opinion, essential to comprehensive food sustainability and self-sufficiency. Natural pools are beautiful and environmentally friendly. Watch Prof. Suzanne Simard talks about Mother trees. Mister Finch - Timeline Photos.