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The Procrastination Matrix. Note: To best understand this post, you should first read Part 1 of Wait But Why’s previous post on procrastination.

The Procrastination Matrix

PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) Back in high school, if you had asked me if I was a procrastinator, I would have said yes. High school students are given all these lectures about “pacing yourself” on longer projects, and I proudly paced myself less than almost anyone I knew. Except I wasn’t.

Charity crowdfunding

Eaze Promises Pot Delivery Anywhere In San Francisco. Several states are starting to ease up on marijuana use, or even outright legalizing it.

Eaze Promises Pot Delivery Anywhere In San Francisco

Washington, DC recently decriminalized weed. Like they do in California, people still need a card to take a puff but it’s 100% legal without written permission in both Colorado and Washington State. While many states offer dispensary services, a new SF-based startup, Eaze, promises delivery right to your door in less than 10 minutes. Payment. How To Get A Job At A Startup If You Have No Skills. Editor’s note: This guest post is by Justin Kan, cofounder of and TwitchTV.

How To Get A Job At A Startup If You Have No Skills

You can follow him on Twitter and read his blog. Getting Real: The bestselling book by 37signals. 10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About. Though it has some competition, YouTube remains the premier video site on the web.

10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About

With a staggering amount of videos uploaded every day, some people even make a living from the service. 10 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube 10 Video Sites That Are Better Than YouTube Here are 10 great alternatives to YouTube, although the "better than" is obviously open to debate... Read More No matter if you’re a casual YouTube user or go looking for the craziest channels you can find, there are all sorts of ways to tweak YouTube to make it just right for you.

Let’s look at some URL tricks to get more out of the service. 1.


Places. Domain names. CTO Hunt. Guide des Startup, seizième édition. Comme le coucou qui sort de l’horloge toutes les heures, voici venir la nouvelle édition du Guide des Startups qui suit à peu près un rythme de publication de deux éditions par an.

Guide des Startup, seizième édition

Seizième édition et six ans d’existence pour ce guide, mazette ! Quelle pérennité n’est-ce pas ? Au départ, il faisait 32 pages. Consultez par curiosité l’édition de septembre 2006 avec ses 40 pages ! Cette nouvelle édition en gagne 30 par rapport à la 15ième pour en contenir 274. Heureusement, le Guide peut se lire aussi bien séquentiellement qu’en y piochant ce dont vous avez besoin au moment où vous en avez besoin. Avant d’en décrire les nouveautés, voici le lien pour télécharger cette 16ième édition. ATTENTION : ce guide évolue régulièrement et cette édition n’est probablement plus la dernière. Hot start-ups. Hitting 20M App Downloads, Azumio Releases Sleep Time To Measure Your Zs (From Your iPhone) Palo Alto, Calif.

Hitting 20M App Downloads, Azumio Releases Sleep Time To Measure Your Zs (From Your iPhone)

-based Azumio isn’t exactly a household name when it comes to mobile apps, so one might be surprised to learn that, collectively, their apps have pulled in over 20 million downloads. That’s because Azumio is plugging away at building a suite of biofeedback apps that measure your heart rate, stress, and sleep. Azumio is tapping into a hot trend, as health devices and mobile apps are on the rise and have found eager users outside of the tech community.

» Guide pour présenter votre Business Plan de Startup  Should Startups Focus on Profitability or Not? There are certain topics that even some of the best journalists can’t fully grok.

Should Startups Focus on Profitability or Not?

One of them is profitability. Don't give bullshit advice. I chatted with a young guy last night about his new startup idea.

Don't give bullshit advice

He's got a vision for a social commerce app with a few cool spins on it. Startup Tools. Startup Tools 1.

Startup Tools

Startup Tools Click Here 2. Lean LaunchPad Videos Click Here. Looking To Hire Top Talent For Your Startup? Here Are Five Things You Should Know. You may know Dan Porter as the CEO of the free multiplayer gaming and chat platform, OMGPOP, which specializes in making social games, like Puppy World, for example. What you may not know is that, for the last year, Porter has been managing and curating a free, weekly newsletter called Inside Startups.

The mission of Inside Startups, Porter says, was to move people from larger companies and corporations into up-and-coming startups in an effort to galvanize the New York City startup scene. The conceit, too, is simple. Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn Has Become the Go-To Guy of Tech.


Nous n’avons pas les mêmes valeurs. One Country, Two Revolutions. The big businesses learning how to think small. 14 October 2011Last updated at 00:08 By Dave Lee Technology Reporter, BBC News In times gone by, marketing was all about massive names and expensive campaigns "We're the biggest start-up on the planet.

The big businesses learning how to think small

" Of the many quotes recited in the days following the untimely death of Steve Jobs, it is perhaps that one, told to a conference in 2008, that resonates most with the many businesses admirable of Apple's success. Ecrire un business-plan – l’ebook gratuit ! Oliver Samwer walks out of an interview with TechCrunch. The three Samwer brothers (Oliver, Marc and Alexander) founders of the Rocket Internet incubator in Berlin, are a phenomenon. They are far and away the most successful Internet entrepreneurs in Germany.

They have launched and exited at least six major startups since the late 1990s, from ebay clone Alando (€48m to eBay), Jamba (€228m), StudiVZ (€85m), MyVideo (€27m), BigPoint (€100m), and the latest, Groupon clone CityDeal to Groupon for an estimated €750m in cash and shares. And yet they remain famously publicity shy. Jess by jess. Are You Building The Right Product? Editor’s note: Guest contributor Eric Ries is a consultant and the author of The Lean Startup, which he will be launching at Disrupt SF on Tuesday. Follow him @ericries. Instagram And Intuit Founders Discuss Lean Startups, Pivots, And What Makes A Product Successful. Today at TechCrunch Disrupt, Founder of Intuit Scott Cook, writer and former CTO at IMVU Eric Ries, and Instagram Co-founder Kevin Systrom gathered to discuss concepts from Ries’ new book, The Lean Startup.

While “lean” is thrown around a lot as modifier for contemporary businesses, Ries said that with his book he hopes to clear up one of the big misconceptions in defining the term; for starters, “lean” does not mean being cheap or frugal, it’s about being efficient and taking a smarter approach to the development of your product. By way of example, Ries cited his favorite entrepreneurial movie, Ghostbusters, as the classic model for the development stages of startups.

Act 1, he said, is all about who the guys are and how they come up with their great idea, whereas Act 3 finds them on the cover of magazines, having hit the big time. The Internet Wishlist. Nat Turner (Startup sales strategy) Y Combinator-Backed Rentobo Helps Landlords Fill Apartments Without All The Messy Paperwork.

The Stupid Rise Of The Subscription Condom Startup. I love me some subscription commerce. Whether it be getting new underwear sent to me in the mail, or having someone pick out shirts for me, I love the idea of paying a flat fee and having shit just show up at my doorstep once a month. It’s even better if whatever’s being sent is kind of a surprise. That said, there’s a recent trend in subscription commerce that’s disturbingly popped up and recently been flagged in the TechCrunch tips line: The rise of the subscription condom service.

Over the past few weeks, it’s been suggested that we (separately) look into, as well as Rubber of the Month Club. Pourquoi l'éducation tue la créativité et les chances de réussite. Mardi 12 juillet 2011 2 12 /07 /Juil /2011 07:45 Une intervention de Ken Robinson dans une conférence TED où il défend la thèse que nos systèmes éducatifs tuent la créativité et ne sont plus adaptés dans le monde dans lequel nous vivons, les arguments développés par Ken avec humour malgré leur gravité : Steve Jobs of Apple Dies at 56. The death was announced by Apple, the company Mr. Petit stream entre amis #J.-A. Granjon (1/3) - - Petit stream entre amis. Conan O’Brien Delivers The Year's Best Commencement Speech. Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

10 reasons to start a company (and 10 not to) Vous avez dit Entreprendre……. Apres avoir bravement mené sa révolution, la Tunisie se remet tant bien que mal d'une très longue période de dictature et de la destruction économique et de la sclérose sociale qui l'ont accompagnée. Malgré le climat social qui reste tendu, les Tunisiens savent pertinemment que la reconstruction du pays passe inexorablement par le développement d'une économie forte. Dans cette perspective les messages de tous les experts ont un seul leitmotiv "Il faut entreprendre" ; entreprendre pour créer de l'emploi et de la richesse, entreprendre pour prendre sa part de responsabilité dans cet effort de reconstruction.

La libre entreprise étant un des piliers de la démocratie, par conséquent entreprendre c'est à la fois exercer un droit mais aussi un devoir démocratique. Cependant, il ne faut pas que l'appel à entreprendre se fasse par des slogans du type " Just do it" à la Nancy Reagan; ce genre d'invocation transforme les bonnes causes en litanies vides de toute substance. Prof. Ten things top entrepreneurs do differently.