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Animated Bézier Curves - Jason Davies - Aurora. Play with the control points to modify the curves!

Animated Bézier Curves - Jason Davies - Aurora

These animations illustrate how a parametric Bézier curve is constructed. The parameter t ranges from 0 to 1. In the simplest case, a first-order Bézier curve, the curve is a straight line between the control points. For a second-order or quadratic Bézier curve, first we find two intermediate points that are t along the lines between the three control points. Motion Mountain - The Free Physics Textbook for Download - Aurora.

Scale-of-universe-v1.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Objeto) - Aurora.

Quantum Physics

The Feynman Lectures on Physics Website - Aurora. Cambridge University puts Newton's papers online. ( -- In a project that has long been overdue, Cambridge University, thanks to a hefty gift from the Polonsky Foundation (supporter of education and arts) and a grant from Britain’s Joint Information Services Committee (JISC), has put some of Isaac Newton’s original papers online for any and all to see.

Cambridge University puts Newton's papers online

Of particular interest to most will be Newton’s own annotated copy of Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, considered by many to be one of the greatest published works by any scientist ever. For those looking for a little behind the scenes work, the University has also published Newton’s so-called “Waste Book,” a diary of sorts that Newton inherited from his step-father which he took along with him and used for jotting notes about such things as his ideas on calculus while away from school due to the Great Plague in 1665. Explore further: Pseudo-mathematics and financial charlatanism.