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Vegetarian Times - Great Food, Good Health, Smart Living. Recipes for a Kapha | Letting Go. Breakfast Recipes Like most Kapha’s, I can go without breakfast and remain sane until quite late in the day. In fact, most Ayurvedic references recommend that a Kapha can skip if breakfast if no hunger is felt. But if I do have breakfast, these are the recipes I like. Stewed Apples and PearsGrapefruit with Honey, Ginger & CardamomQuinoa with PrunesKale Sundried Tomato Eggy Scramble Lunch Recipes Snack Recipes Dinner Recipes I work four days a week, and work out some evenings, so Monday through Thursday I need to eat food that is delicious, good for me and quick to make.

Grilled Aubergine with ChickpeasMurghi Aur Palak (Chicken and Spinach) CurryStir-fried prawns in an aromatic tomato cream sauceBrown Rice Salad A list of all the variations of Kitchari recipes I’ve tried. Kitchari by Glynnis Osher and Madhuri Phillips Like this: Like Loading... Kapha Dosha - Ayurvedic Diet. Kapha is growth of tissue, production of mucous and fat, and retention of fluids. Kapha is the stable, relaxed dosha. Kapha is the force of consolidation, solidity and denseness. Kapha people are great homemakers. Kapha is water and earth element. Kapha is white in color. Kapha happens in the beginning of life, the year, the day, the night, and digestion. Childhood - Children are reknown for colds, congestion, and mucous. Late winter and spring - During winter, Kapha fat rises to protect the body from coldness, driving the heat of the body inward. After sunrise and sunset - For the two hours after sunrise and sunset, the person feels relaxed.

First two hours after a meal - After eating the body feels calm and content due to rising blood sugar level, which is Kapha. Stomach - Mucous buildup in the stomach from slow digestion is the root of increased Kapha throughout the body. Mouth - Many Kapha individuals experience strong food cravings. Questions, comments & reviews for kapha dosha. Elephant Food. Recipe Index. Dr. LJ's Natural Wellness | Daily Recipes for Body, Mind & Spirit. Healthy Recipes, Healthy Eating, Healthy Cooking | Eating Well.