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How to Start a Business, a step-by-step Guide. Student Handouts |  Free Educational Materials for Teachers & Students. Workforce Investment Act, ETPL Search Results. Printable Lessons, Forms, & Activities for Teachers. Tutoring Business: Starting a Tutoring Business: Seven Important Lessons. The Tutoring Business is pleased to present By Tony Aitken, President The Wealthy Tutor, Specializing in Tutoring Business Startup Sytems and Resources After working in the telecom industry for 15 years as a marketing consultant, I started looking around for new challenges.

As consulting opportunities in the telecom industry were starting to dry up by 2000, I decided to look at different growth industries where I might get a new start. After a friend of mine told me he was considering buying a tutoring franchise, I started to research this industry, and soon learned this was huge and rapidly growing industry. Although exact numbers are hard to come by, I would estimate the current tutoring industry in North America to be upwards of $10 billion annually and growing at a healthy pace. In September, 2003, I started a tutoring business by hiring university students on contract and sending them to people's homes to tutor their children in Math, Science & English. Do a Self-Assessment. Special Parents for Special Kids, Lafayette CA. 50 Brain Facts Every Educator Should Know.

January 27th, 2010 By Pamelia Brown The brain is perhaps the most fascinating organ in the human body. It controls everything from breathing to emotions to learning. If you work with children, here are some facts that you might find helpful, from how the brain affects learning to facts about memory to interesting facts about the brain that you can share with your students.

Brain Development and Learning Read on to learn interesting facts about how the brain develops, what can affect that development, and how learning is impacted. Read aloud. Memory Learn about the way short-term memory differs from long-term memory, how scent affects memory, and more. Different types of memory. Brain Trivia From how the brain helps while blinking to early brain surgery, these bits of trivia might come in handy the next time you are teaching about the brain. Blinking. The Physical Brain With this list, you’ll be prepared the next time you need to whip out fast facts about the make-up of the human brain. Water. Cognitive Science Movie Index. Readinginventory. Tutorbusinessbookpreview. Follow These 10 Steps to Starting a Business. Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions and completing a series of legal activities. These 10 easy steps can help you plan, prepare and manage your business.

Click on the links to learn more. Step 1: Write a Business Plan Use these tools and resources to create a business plan. This written guide will help you map out how you will start and run your business successfully. Step 2: Get Business Assistance and Training Take advantage of free training and counseling services, from preparing a business plan and securing financing, to expanding or relocating a business. Step 3: Choose a Business Location Get advice on how to select a customer-friendly location and comply with zoning laws. Step 4: Finance Your Business Find government backed loans, venture capital and research grants to help you get started.

Step 5: Determine the Legal Structure of Your Business Step 6: Register a Business Name ("Doing Business As") Register your business name with your state government. Products. California Virtual Academies | Leading Provider of Full-time, Tuition-free Online Public School in CA. How to Become a Life Coach. Your rating: None Average: 4 (2 votes) If you’ve found this article from a Google search, I assume that you are already familiar with what a life coach is. Even if you are, reading my article "What is a Life Coach" will provide you with valuable information on what exactly a life coach does, how coaching contracts work, what typical coaching formats look like and how you might want to focus your business as you consider becoming a coach. This article is geared towards the logistics on what you can do to become a life coach and start your own business. What Credentials do I Need? At the risk of turning people off to life coaching in this article, I am going to give you the facts about people that are calling themselves coaches.

Truth be told - there are NO job requirements to become a coach. Sounds scary huh? Lets take a bit of a closer look here. Lets look at some other examples of similar professions that might fall into the same category. Before Calling Yourself a Coach… What is the ICF. Adolescent Life Coaching Center | Certification Class. Welcome to Coach U. Important 2016 Note: The most up-to-date program and course information for Coach U and Corporate Coach U can be found at We are transitioning from this site. Please visit for updated information. As a 1998 graduate, my longtime coaching career is a testimony to the strength, durability and excellence of the program.’s commitment to being leading edge continues, and I'm proud to say I trained at – Dr. Miriam Reiss, DSS, MCC Coach U is the leading global provider of coach training programs. Since 1992, Coach U has offered the most comprehensive coach training programs with 95% of faculty members that are professionally trained, experienced, ICF certified coaches at the PCC or MCC level.

For many coaches, supporting others in building terrific lives is the most fulfilling work they have ever done. Click on the following links to learn more: Coach Training and Coaching Certification for Helping Professionals: Therapists, Psychologists, Counselors, Social Workers, Human Resource Professionals, Lawyers.