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Telephone+booth.gif (GIF Image, 314 × 750 pixels) - Scaled (97. I Have a (Puzzling) Dream. - StumbleUpon. Carved Book Landscapes by Guy Laramee. (click images for detail) For the better part of three decades multidisciplinary artist Guy Laramee has worked as a stage writer, director, composer, a fabricator of musical instruments, a singer, sculptor, painter and writer.

Carved Book Landscapes by Guy Laramee

Among his sculptural works are two incredible series of carved book landscapes and structures entitled Biblios and The Great Wall, where the dense pages of old books are excavated to reveal serene mountains, plateaus, and ancient structures. Of these works he says: So I carve landscapes out of books and I paint Romantic landscapes. Mountains of disused knowledge return to what they really are: mountains. Flying Swarms of Everyday Objects by Thomas Jackson. I was excited to discover photographer Thomas Jackson (previously here and here) has continued his Emergent Behavior series where he photographs airborne swarms of common objects like Post-It notes, cheese balls, and plates in environments where you would least expect them. He also reverses the concept, shooting items from nature like sticks and leaves against an urban backdrop.

You’re probably wondering how some of these are made, so I’ll quote Jackson from over on Flak Photo’s Facebook: Maria Rubinke. Danish-born Maria Rubinke‘s small porcelain figures are reminiscent of the illogical compositions of surrealism, transforming the character of what are traditionally charming and passive objects into expressions of more taboo feelings that oscillate between desire and sadism.

Maria Rubinke