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Calvin & Hobbes Search Engine - by Bing. I have always been a big fan of Calvin & Hobbes comics, and their author, Bill Watterson.

Calvin & Hobbes Search Engine - by Bing

Since discovering the complete script online, as well as a collection of every daily strip on another website, I knew I could make the two reference each other and therefore create a "Calvin & Hobbes Search Engine" for lack of a better name. So I set out to do it. Currently the search only looks for EXACT phrases (not case sensitive), so if you're looking for a comic with the words "balloon" and "airplane" you cannot enter them both, or it will search for "balloon airplane" together. Perhaps in the future I will fix this, but it's actually a lot more difficult than leaving it as-is. There is one exception though! Survive Nature - Techniques for Surviving in every Natural Environment.

Les dernières lettres de Marie Jelen. Dernière modification de cette page : 01/23/2012 20:21:23 Les dernières lettres de la petite Marie Jelen, 10 ans, permettent de suivre son itinéraire.

Les dernières lettres de Marie Jelen

Marie a été arrêtée à Paris, le 16 juillet 1942, lors de la rafle du Vél'd'hiv, avec sa mère. Elle écrit à son père, Icek Jelen, qui était travailleur agricole dans les Ardennes (zone de colonisation allemande), à Frénois, tout près de Sedan. La famille est d'origine polonaise. Elle habitait Paris, 58 rue de Meaux, dans le XIXe arrondissement, où le père exerçait la profession de tailleur, dans une boutique. What is a photon? Introduction Popular science writing about quantum mechanics leaves many people full of questions about the status of photons.

What is a photon?

I want to answer some of these without using any tricky mathematics. One of the challenges is that photons are very different to ordinary everyday objects like billiard balls. This is partly because photons are described by quantum mechanics whereas billiard balls are better modelled with classical Newtonian mechanics. Quantum mechanics defies many of our intuitions. One of my goals is to avoid saying anything original.

Textbook for Electrical Engineering & Electronics. Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People. By Toby W.

Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People

Rush This page includes links to each of the individual Music Theory pages I've created in PDF form. This is a work in progress; I am writing new ones regularly and fixing errors and omissions on existing ones as I find them. If you find them useful for your theory studies, you are welcome to use them, and if you find errors or have suggestions, I invite you to contact me.

Enjoy! Click the thumbnails to view or download each page as a PDF for free! These pages are available for free under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license. This collection is a work in progress, but if you would prefer, you can download all the current pages as a single PDF. What's your cross-platform PDF / ePub reading workflow? Learn how to tie knots with step-by-step animation. Devis avant travaux - Obligatoire ou facultatif ? La ponctuation - Bien écrire - ABC-Lettres par l'Obs. 1.

La ponctuation - Bien écrire - ABC-Lettres par l'Obs

Autour de quels points de ponctuation met-on des espaces ? Le « truc » mnémotechnique ; les signes de ponctuation double sont précédés et suivis d’espaces… -Virgule : pas d’espace entre le mot et la virgule, un espace après la virgule. (sauf pour la virgule décimale comme dans 3,14116). -Point : pas d’espace entre le mot et le point, un espace après.

Acheter ou louer ? - Faites vos comptes. Ampoules basse consommation, LED. Hacker's guide to Neural Networks. Hi there, I’m a CS PhD student at Stanford.

Hacker's guide to Neural Networks

I’ve worked on Deep Learning for a few years as part of my research and among several of my related pet projects is ConvNetJS - a Javascript library for training Neural Networks. Javascript allows one to nicely visualize what’s going on and to play around with the various hyperparameter settings, but I still regularly hear from people who ask for a more thorough treatment of the topic. This article (which I plan to slowly expand out to lengths of a few book chapters) is my humble attempt. It’s on web instead of PDF because all books should be, and eventually it will hopefully include animations/demos etc. My personal experience with Neural Networks is that everything became much clearer when I started ignoring full-page, dense derivations of backpropagation equations and just started writing code.

“…everything became much clearer when I started writing code.” Chapter 1: Real-valued Circuits Base Case: Single Gate in the Circuit f(x,y)=xy. FAQ - Batterie Lithium. Dossiers > Accessoires EquipementsComment choisir sa batterie ?

FAQ - Batterie Lithium

On choisi sa batterie en fonction de son usage , en premier lieu il faut que la capacité d’énergie soit suffisante pour les parcours envisagés, ensuite il faut s"'interroger sur sa durée de vie, l'investissement qu'on veut bien y mettre, sa capacité à alimenter son moteur (pour les kits 'haute puissance') , son temps de chargement, et aussi l'importance de son poids (suivant qu'on la porte dans son sac à dos ou sur le velo , qu'elle soit d'une grosse ou petite capacité , le poids n'a pas la même importance) Les unités de mesure - La capacité d'une batterie s'exprime en watts heure Wh , Puissance (nombre de watts) disponible pendant 1 heure, évidement si on utilise 2 fois moins de puissance , elle sera disponible 2 heures; 2 fois plus de puissance : 1/2heure , ...