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Editor. Markdown. Markdown is a text formatting syntax inspired on plain text email. In the words of its creator, John Gruber: The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions. Strong and Emphasize *emphasize* **strong** _emphasize_ __strong__ Shortcuts Add/remove bold: ⌘-B for Mac / Ctrl-B for Windows and LinuxAdd/remove italic: ⌘-I for Mac / Ctrl-I for windows and Linux Links Inline links: [link text]( "title") [link text]( < Reference-style links: [link text][id] [id]: "title" Add link: ⌘-K for Mac / Ctrl-K for Windows and Linux Images Inline images: !

! Add image: ⌥-⌘-I for Mac / Alt-Ctrl-I for Windows and Linux Headers Atx-style headers: # h1 ## h2 ### h3 … Closing # are optional. # h1 # ## h2 ## … Lists Ordered list without paragraphs: 1. foo 2. bar Unordered list with paragraphs: * A list item. You can nest them: Blockquotes Code Spans Code Blocks. Bortels/tedit-app. Ace - The High Performance Code Editor for the Web. Light Table. Brackets - The Free, Open Source Code Editor for the Web.

Node-RED. CodePen. Dashboard. Bitbucket. Github.