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Multimedia search & auto-indexation. Persuasive Navigation. The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Columns > IAnything Goes By Jeff Lash Published on December 17, 2002 Persuasive navigation is navigation that persuades a user to do something. Persuasive navigation is one aspect of a site built on persuasive architecture. Persuasive navigation vs. calls to action On many sites, regular navigation is supplemented by calls to action that will hopefully get the user to follow a particular navigation path. A call to action tells users to do something—Apply Now, Find Out More, Buy This, Sign Up Now—whereas persuasive navigation gives people a reason to do something.

A call to action is generally considered outside of the navigation framework, since it is supplemental to the primary navigation. The phrase “call to action” implies that the site is placing a call to the users and that they need to answer it. Putting persuasion to use Once the power of persuasion is understood, it is time to put it to use. . “ The easy answer: Money. AskTog: First Principles of Interaction Design. The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces, whether for traditional GUI environments, the web, mobile devices, wearables, or Internet-connected smart devices. Help! This is a huge revision. I expect I have made mistakes.

Please leave corrections and suggestions in the Comments at the end. If you have better examples than I’m using, please include them as well, but give me enough information about them, including links or cites, that I can make use of them. This revision features new examples and discussion involving mobile, wearables, and Internet-connected smart devices. What has changed greatly is the level of detail: You will find many new sub-principles within each category, along with far more explanation, case studies, and examples. Previous Version & Its Translations. Introduction Effective interfaces are visually apparent and forgiving, instilling in their users a sense of control. I Love Apple, But It’s Not Perfect Aesthetics Top.

Dashboard Insight - Dundas Data Visualization’s best practices m. The Four Forms of Data Discovery Mar. 17, 2014 Radiant Advisors' Lindy Ryan discusses the four ways that users at BI-enabled organizations discover their data. Read InfoDesk Launches New Financial Intelligence Solutions Mar. 04, 2014 InfoDesk Introduces Corporate Intelligence Solutions Tailored for Financial Services Sector Read Intuitive Dashboards Delivers £220,000 Savings to Leading IT Company ProcessFlows Business automation solution provider benefits from exceptional cost savings following implementation of Intuitive Dashboards.

Building Interactive Mobile Dashboards for the Salesforce Platform Feb. 28, 2014 Christophe Coenraets provides examples on creating interactive, mobile friendly dashboards for the Salesforce platform. Yup. New-look BI companies — Domo, Looker, Thoughtspot — are attracting big bucks from VCs who see gold in making big data accessible to mortals. 7 Simple Secrets To Nailing Your CEO Dashboard Feb. 27, 2014 Is There a Place for NoSQL in BI and Analytics? Feb. 26, 2014. A visual exploration on mapping complex n.

Ajax et XUL, tutoriels et démos avec JavaScript, DOM et XML. Guides et outils pour la création de site Web 2.0. IHM'09 / appel. IHM'09 s'attache à favoriser les échanges, rencontres et interactions entre tous les mondes de la recherche, qu'ils soient académiques ou industriels, par des communications fondamentales et appliquées centrées sur le thème de l'interaction Homme-Machine.

Les communications seront articulées autour des thèmes suivants : Humains :analyse et modèles des utilisateurs, utilisabilité, « user experience », modélisation cognitive, analyse des usages, cognition distribuée, conception et évaluation des performances d'usage, évaluation ergonomique et validation, analyse et représentation des besoins interactifs, méthodes formelles dans la conception ou l'évaluation, analyse et modélisation des émotions, apports de la psychologie expérimentale, analyse et modèles de tâches, assistance à l'utilisateur, praxéologie des usages, IHM et publics spécifiques..

Les communications seront reçues sous différentes formes : Open Source Document Management Solutions Writte. Share the article! Content Management Systems (CMS) have always been a nebulous term. That’s one reason that I’ve never included this category in my reviews of Java open source projects. One of the primary features of a CMS is its support for Repository services. In recent months, there have been a couple of CMS implementations that supported JSR-170 (i.e a standard content repository specification). In general these capabilities are orthogonal to the presentation features available in many CMS. Here’s the list of “Document Repository” implementations that I have found: DSpace Federation – DSpace is a digital library system to capture, store, index, preserve, and redistribute the intellectual output in digital formats.

Take note that I moved several entries from “Knowledge Management (KM)“. The 7 wonders of wireframes « Boagworld. Design: The estimated time to read this article is 7 minutes Wireframes have become an intrinsic part of the way we work at Headscape. In this post I want to explain why we are so enthusiastic about them, and how we use them in our process. However before we do that, lets take a step back and look at exactly what we mean by wireframes. It is easy to think of wireframes as HTML prototypes of an entire website (or at least key sections). The problem with HTML prototypes is that they are time consuming and expensive. This most basic approach brings with it 7 benefits: 1. For us wireframing is not just the responsibility of a designer or user experience expert, it is something everybody participates in. 2. These group wireframing sessions not only improve team working, but also communication. We used to suffer from a problem where developers was not included early enough in the project cycle.

That is the beauty of wireframes. 3. 4. 5. 6. The same is true if a client rejects a finished design. The Setup. Joe Hewitt on The Setup. Boagworld. SaaS. Communications unifiées. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Dans l'industrie des télécommunications et de la bureautique, on désigne par Communications unifiées[1] un ensemble de nouveaux services destinés aux professionnels en entreprise permettant d'intégrer (« unifier ») étroitement : Les utilisateurs peuvent ainsi accéder aux outils de communications tout en continuant à employer en parallèle les outils informatiques qui leur sont nécessaires pour leur travail au quotidien.

Une interface unique intuitive pour l’accès aux services[modifier | modifier le code] L'utilisateur accède aux services au moyen d'une interface unique, simple et conviviale, intégrée discrètement dans son environnement de travail habituel. Cette interface prend la forme d'icones au sein par exemple de Microsoft Outlook ou d'IBM Lotus Notes, ou bien d'un "portail web" accessible à partir du navigateur internet, ou encore d'un logiciel embarqué fournissant une interface adaptée aux terminaux mobiles. Par exemple : Is Information Visualization the Next Frontier for Design? | Can. You've seen them. Those tag clouds in the right-hand column of Web sites with jumbled type of varying weight and size indicating the relative usage of words.

Tag clouds may be the most common example of an emerging field known as "information visualization," an offshoot of graphic design devoted to the clear display of complex information. Executive pay in relation to shareholder returns. Senate voting patterns. Visualization got a big boost during the political season from newspapers and networks. If we're going to live in a world driven by data, the thinking goes, we need a simple means of digesting it all. Visualization has been used prominently, and to dazzling effect, at The New York Time s , where a collaboration of art directors and programmers turns masses of data into intuitive displays, like the interactive map of the swine virus shown above.

Designers have historically excelled at finding insightful ways of looking at complex problems. AskTog: First Principles of Interaction Design. Coding a Clean & Illustrative Web Design from Scratch. In this comprehensive and step-by-step web development tutorial, you will learn how to convert a Photoshop mockup of a professional web layout design that features an illustrative landscape header into a standards-compliant XHTML/CSS template. This is a follow-up tutorial requested by you, the readers of Six Revisions. To learn how to create the Photoshop web layout mockup, head on over to the tutorial called How to Create an Illustrative Web Design in Photoshop. Live Demonstration Click on the following image to check out the live demo of what we’ll be building. Download the source files and use them as your website template We’re releasing the source files of this tutorial under the GNU General Public License we only ask that you retain the copyright information in the source code (which aren’t visible in the design). (ZIP file, 0.98 MB) Let’s get the show started, shall we? Setting up our work area and files Setting up the HTML file Mocking up the header. Woosoft la communauté web3D dans son ensemble, du plus large au. Web 2.0 Tools and Applications - Go2web20. User advocacy and human-centered design. Published 1986 (re-issued 2002). 2013 revised edition. The Design of Everyday Things (DOET) was first published in 1988.

The book is about how people interact with technology. The principles of interaction are mostly unchanged -- they still apply today. But the technology is very different. Time to revise. Hence DOET2. I did a thorough revision. The revised and expanded paperback will be available November 5. Even the smartest among us can feel inept as we fail to figure out which light switch or oven burner to turn on, or whether to push, pull, or slide a door. Buy from Sample chapters and miscellany. Best Open Source Resources for Web Developers | WebAppers.

Wkhtmltopdf - Project Hosting on Google Code. Natural Programming. Sep 2013 Our paper on Azurite was accepted to be presented at VL/HCC'13. may 2013 Our paper on Euclase was presented at the LIVE workshop at ICSE'2013. dec 2012 Brad Myers is selected as an IEEE Fellow! Oct 2012 A paper about ConstraintJS was presented at UIST'12. Our paper from 2002 was named a Most Influential Paper at VL/HCC'2012! June 2012 We presented a paper in ICSE'2012 about our new Graphite system! More news... The Natural Programming Project is working on making programming languages, APIs, and environments easier to learn, more effective, and less error prone. We're affiliated with the EUSES consortium, which is a group of researchers working on end-user software engineering, and with the project on Variations to Support Exploratory Programming.

Ongoing Projects InterState (Formerly called: Euclase: End User Centered Language, APIs, System, and Environment.) Azurite Graphite GRAphical Palettes Help Instantiate Types in the Editor. Fluorite ConstraintJS Recent Projects Jadeite Apatite Reacher Topes.