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As in-house web teams we like to moan about our organisations not getting digital. Perhaps its time we did something. But what? Many web designers are briefed by their clients and then retreat to their studio to work on the project. But, perhaps there is a better way. For many companies, to be digitally effective means fundamental changes to the business.

La typographie comme outil de design Graphiste, journaliste et photographe, David Rault devient directeur artistique au sein d'une agence de conception de sites Internet en 1995. Il voyage et travaille régulièrement entre Paris, New York et Tokyo jusqu'au début des années 2000, lorsqu'il devient enseignant en typographie à l'École supérieure d'art et de design (ESAD) d'Amiens, où il restera quatre ans. Parallèlement, il rédige des cours de typographie pour des écoles privées parisiennes, écrit régulièrement articles et critiques pour le journal Libération ou, réalise le graphisme de dizaines de sites Internet pour le compte de la société Symbioz Design dont il est également le directeur, et il est invité à deux reprises au Festival international de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême pour participer à des conférences (dont une table ronde avec l'auteur Scott McCloud en 2000).

WebGuild A List Apart: Topics Front and back end development for the web, mainly using open web standards. Markup, style, scripting, and server-side techniques and technologies. Cross-browser HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Frameworks and preprocessors. Creating websites and applications. Optimization and performance. David Airey, graphic designer Solidify, Sublime, Optimise and Ideas Season 4: The estimated time to read this article is 39 minutes Subscribe to this podcast using iTunes or RSS | Download this show This week on the Boagworld podcast: Paul Boag: This week on the Boagworld show we’re going to look at Solidify which sounds like it’s something that concrete does or – but anyway it’s called Solidify. A Responsive Web Design Podcast — Responsive Web Design Craftsmanship and a playful tone characterize the Slack brand. Arquay Harris tells us about how they brought that to life on the new Listen to the episode or read the transcript Filed under: technology Can responsive design work for a retailer that enables individuals and enterprises to create their own designs? Chad Jennings and Noëla Parant from tell us “yes it can.” Listen to the episode or read the transcript Filed under: retail Responsive design is inclusive design. Sara Wachter-Boettcher explains how an empathetic approach to our “human-ness” makes for better product design.

Responsive Design Podcast — Responsive Web Design RWD Podcast Episode 41 : Peter-Paul Koch This week I'm joined by Peter-Paul Koch of fame. We talk about a conference PPK is co-organising, the state of the mobile device browsers, and perhaps decide that the web needs to creep along rather than streak ahead of come to a standstill. I thoroughly enjoyed this chat and I'm sure you will too. Listen
