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Mobile Application Development Toolkit. I’ve been sitting on this post for quite some time. It’s seems with the rapid pace of mobile development on the web, and the increased focus that this brings to developers, that there isn’t a day goes by without someone bringing something new to the table. Whether that be a new library, a new framework, or simply their own mobile application development guidelines, curating information on this particularly hot topic for others is a never ending, and constantly evolving process. Well anyway, without further ado; hopefully some of you will find this mobile developers toolkit, and subsequent collection of information and links that I’ve found be some use in your everyday work. Every good developer knows that building on a prebuilt framework makes complete sense. It enables you to get up and running quicker, and deliver the end solution on time and on budget. Skeleton – One of skeleton’s strengths is the fact that it has been designed to be responsive.

LiveView for iPhone and iPad. SparkleShare – Un clone de Dropbox open source qui fonctionne ! Bon on commence tôt ce matin, car j'ai enfin trouvé un remplaçant open source qui fonctionne et qui roxx à Dropbox ! Merci MrBoo ! L'outil s'appelle SparkleShare et va vous permettre enfin de synchroniser vos documents entre plusieurs ordinateurs, en utilisant votre propre serveur.

Pour fonctionne SparkleShare a besoin d'un serveur Git. Vous pouvez configurer le votre ou alors utiliser celui de Gnome, ou Github...etc. Comme j'ai un serveur chez OVH qui ne sert pas à grand chose, avec un bon paquet de place dessus, j'ai fait un petit test. Sudo apt-get install git-core openssh-server Ensuite, il suffit d'initialiser un dépôt : git init --bare MON_DEPOT.git Après, c'est au niveau de SSH que ça se passe.

Une fois la clé SSH en place, il suffit de lancer SparkleShare et de saisir les infos relative au serveur ou à votre compte Github, Gnome...etc A vous ensuite de réaliser la même config sur d'autres ordinateurs pour partager les mêmes fichiers entre plusieurs machines. Tout est ici ! Sup'ergonomie - Test utilisateur à distance. Web Intents: A fresh look - Tales of a Developer Advocate. We have a huge problem on the web today. If I built an image gallery application and I wanted to let users edit an image so that they can remove red-eye from a photo I either have to build an application that edits the images, or integrate with a 3rd party solution. Doing this is hard and stops you from building an awesome image gallery; and what happens if the user has a favorite service that they already use to remove red-eye?

Simple, you have a frustrated user. We have a solution! In December 2010 I announced a project called Web Intents whose goal was to allow developers to build applications and services that could work with each other, but not need to explicitly know about each other – the concept has heavily inspired by the Intent system in Android, although the API bore no resemblance.

After some conversations, I moved to try and support Web Introducer as a specification over Web Intents. So what changed? A lot as it happens. For clients to initiate an Activity it is easy too. Zeega. Hide My Ass! Surfez anonymement sur Internet | sociologie contemporaine.