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Bonnie Milton

Out of darkness is born light Out of despair, hope Out of pain, healing Out of betrayal, trust Out of anger, forgiveness Out of greed, charity Out of separation, union When all are embraced by love... what ya see is what ya get, 0% tolerance for drama or bullsh*t, i love my 2 beautiful boys, anything else? no i think that covers it )0(

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Pearltrees videos. Help. 10 Strange Things About The Universe. Space The universe can be a very strange place.

10 Strange Things About The Universe

While groundbreaking ideas such as quantum theory, relativity and even the Earth going around the Sun might be commonly accepted now, science still continues to show that the universe contains things you might find it difficult to believe, and even more difficult to get your head around. Theoretically, the lowest temperature that can be achieved is absolute zero, exactly ? 273.15°C, where the motion of all particles stops completely.