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The 10 Biggest Parties Ever Thrown. Sultan’s 50th birthday bash Sultan Haji went very large for his 5th decade celebration.He flew in Michael Jackson for a cost of $16 million, and he didn’t even watch him perform.

The 10 Biggest Parties Ever Thrown

He had 10,000 guests whom he fed caviar and champagne, and in total spent $27 million… in 1996. Kings Attempting To Outparty Each Other Following the Anglo-French Treaty of 1514, Henry the VIII of England and Francis I of France had a 17-day long party to celebrate. This including jousting, temporary castles, hundreds of tents made with gold thread, archery competition, 2,200 sheep, and to top it all off, the clothing of the kings were made of silk and gold thread as well. 15 commonplace things Americans do that other countries would find highly offensive (15 Photos)

Bringing wine to a dinner party In Germany, bringing wine to a dinner party can be perceived as rude, as you are assuming they don’t have good enough wine in their home.

15 commonplace things Americans do that other countries would find highly offensive (15 Photos)

Chewing gum in public In Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, and Singapore chewing gum in public is seen as socially unattractive and rude. A list of some of the most badass people in history. There are far more badass individuals in history for me to cover but here is a short list of a few, fill free to point out some of your favorites I missed in the comments.

A list of some of the most badass people in history

Hugh Glass While on a fur trapping expedition, Hugh was attacked and mauled by a grizzly bear. He was able to kill the giant bear with some help, then passed out. His group left him thinking he would never survive the wounds or the journey which was 200 miles away from the nearest town. Glass regained consciousness only to find himself abandoned, without weapons or equipment. 10 of the worst betrayals in human history (10 Photos) Guy Fawkes joined forces with the Spanish in an attempt to assassinate a repressive King James and reinstate a Catholic King.

10 of the worst betrayals in human history (10 Photos)

Unfortunately, this was against his homeland England. He has since become a cultural figure of anarchy. While Ephialtes of Trachis didn’t have a hunchback as depicted in the movie 300, he did lead Xerxes and the Persian Army down a secret route that led to Grecian troops’ positions. During the Revolutionary War, General Benedict Arnold became bitter by other officers stealing credit for his accomplishments, so he betrayed West Point to the British.

Turns out there are a number of different options cremated remains. An organization called Eternal Reef is dedicated to rebuilding the coral reefs.

Turns out there are a number of different options cremated remains

They can mix your loved ones’ ashes into the cement that holds the reefs down. Who are the world's 10 most dangerous terrorists? Ayman al-Zawahiri is the leader of al Qaeda.

Who are the world's 10 most dangerous terrorists?

A reward up to $25 million has been offered by the U.S. government. Click through to see men allegedly plotting, directing and, in some cases, carrying out acts of terror around the world. Nasir al Wuhayshi is leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, known as AQAP. 5 Signs You're Dating A Female Player - Relationship Advice for Men. You know it’s hard out here for a pimp.

5 Signs You're Dating A Female Player - Relationship Advice for Men

It’s even harder for those trying to avoid getting pimped. As much attention as men get for the games many play we forget something that’s very true. Many women are the masters of the “game” and have been running circles around men since the beginning of time.Men don’t tend to be as intuitive as women so they can’t even see the pimp hand coming before it’s too late. So here are some signs to consider when trying to avoid falling victim to a female player: She Has A Lot Of Male Friends That Do Things For Her. Plenty of women have a lot of male friends simply because they feel men are easier to deal with. A Female Player is Very Flirtatious Female players know that one key to manipulating men is flirtation. Food Porn Sign of Mental Illness?

You know that annoying habit where someone keeps whipping out their phone to photograph the food they're eating?

Food Porn Sign of Mental Illness?

It might not just be an incessant need to brag about their burrata-heirloom tomato salad (WE WANT THAT). It might be an actual disease. Researcher Valerie Taylor spoke at the Canadian Obesity Summit on Wednesday, noting that nowadays, she's finding plenty of patients who are fetishizing food, where it overtakes human interaction. "You don't take pictures of who you're with, you take pictures of what you're eating," Taylor said, CBC News reports. "For some people who have the predisposition for weight behaviors, it just goes that one step further, and they start to develop unhealthy weight disorders and they start to have weight problems. " Naturally, food has a more psychological role in people's lives, and Taylor, whose presentation was called "Food Fetish: Society's Complicated Relationship with Food," believes that the fetishization could be unhealthy.

Abercrombie & Fitch Fat People. Abercrombie & Fitch and it’s outrageous CEO Mike Jeffries are no strangers to controversy.

Abercrombie & Fitch Fat People

Shirtless salesmen aside, this is the company that openly owns up to the fact that they’ll only hire attractive people and that sells padded push-up bikinis for toddlers. Martin Luther King.