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How to configure NFS on Linux. Share this post The Network File System is certainly one of the most widely used network services.

How to configure NFS on Linux

Network file system (NFS) is based on the Remote procedure call which allows the client to automatically mount remote file systems and therefore transparently provide an access to it as if the file system is local. If you still have some questions after reading this article please try our new LinuxCareer Forum. In this scenario we are going to export the file system from the an IP address ( NFS server ) host and mount it on an a host with an IP address ( NFS Client ). Both NFS server and NFS client will be running Ubuntu Linux. At this point, we assume that the NFS service daemon is already installed on your system, including portmap daemon on which NFS setup depends. If you have not done so yet simply install nfs-common package on both NFS client and NFS server using using apt-get tool. # apt-get install nfs-common apt-get install nfs-kernel-server # modprobe nfs.

Solving httpd MaxClients and mod_status stuck "sending reply" - Tech Myths World. Every once in while, I get into a situation that I just have to get to the bottom off.

Solving httpd MaxClients and mod_status stuck "sending reply" - Tech Myths World

A few days ago, one of network engineers discovered that a client's site would occassionally become unresponsive. This was very odd given that the site is run on an apache cluster powered by very very very beefy servers. Worse still, the client hasn't even started marketing the site and actually has an official launch date in less than 48 hours. I decided to approach this problem in the only way I know how, with surgical precision. Background: 1. First, the symptoms. 1. Possible diagnosis: 1. httpd configuration for max clients is set too low. 2. number of database connections is set too low, causing httpd connection to queue up.

*All linux commands are in orange- Ex: ps aux "Interesting.....we will need to order some tests" httpd error logs: we need to find out if max clients was exceeded. "Houston, we have a problem" Wow, why are there so many connection stuck in W state? "This must be stopped" Security Guide for Windows - Random Password Generator.

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Email server. HowTo: Ubuntu on ChromeBook - Bishop of Technology. Ubuntu on ChromeBook Ubuntu on Chromebook To read our overall review of the Acer C7 ChromeBook, visit our article ChromeBook Runs Ubuntu (including video).

HowTo: Ubuntu on ChromeBook - Bishop of Technology

I no longer recommend this option. A far better option (IMHO) is to use Crouton. Our guide to Crouton can be found here: This article includes instructions for loading Ubuntu 12.04 on the Acer C7 Chromebook. BEFORE you begin… You must have enabled “Developer Mode” on your ChromeBook. The entire process is completed using only the ChromeBook and your Internet connection. Phase 1 Phase 2 (in this phase, you will repeat steps 2-5 of the previous phase) This completes the process of installing Ubuntu. UPGRADE to current version of Ubuntu: Sign in to your network so that you will have Internet access.Click on the Dash Home icon (top of the stack of icons).

When the system checks for updates again, if there are new versions, you will be alerted and given an option to install the upgrade. Switching between Chrome & Ubuntu: