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The automatic diet planner - 100 Ways to Cook… Kunsten å koke et egg - Kjemisk institutt. Egg har en spesiell plass i vårt kosthold.

Kunsten å koke et egg - Kjemisk institutt

Men vet du egentlig hvor lang koketid du trenger for å få egget akkurat slik du vil ha det? Har du ikke alltid ønsket deg et verktøy for å hjelpe deg å beregne akkurat dette? Det er det du finner her: Vår egg-koketid-kalkulator. Velg størrelse på egget. Ønsker du hard eller bløt plomme? Eggstokken Fire elever ved Gjennestad videregående skole i Stokke har vunnet 2. plass som beste ungdomsmbedrift i Norge! Ungdommene har laget et produkt de kaller for «Eggstokken» basert på beregningen fra vår egge--koke-kalkulator. Om eggstokken ( Vant med eggstokken ( Skal du forstå kunsten å koke et egg må du forstå hvordan egget er bygd opp. Plommen utgjør omtrent 1/3 av eggets vekt.

Mange vil si at koketiden for et bløtkokt egg er 3-6 minutter, og 8-10 minutter for et hardkokt egg. Svaret på det siste spørsmålet er nei. How to Make Lemonade Using the Whole Lemon - Videos. The Best Broccoli of Your Life. You know you’ve done something right with broccoli when the person you made it for describes it to someone else the next day as “better than biting into a steak.”

The Best Broccoli of Your Life

Those were Craig’s words and they were a marked change from the first words he uttered about the broccoli, before he bit in: “You made broccoli for dinner? Broccoli and sweet potatoes?” Then he did bite in and his eyes lit up. “Oh my God,” he said. “This is the best broccoli I’ve ever had in my life.” So what did I do to the broccoli to make it taste so good? I can’t take any credit. I’m going to have a hard time this week not posting all of the recipes from her new book, Back To Basics. Specifically, she loves roasting vegetables at a high temperature until they caramelize.

Normally, broccoli gets squishy when you cook it. Seriously, this recipe is so easy I can recite it without looking at the book. You preheat the oven to 425. Now, it’s easy. I shook the pan around a bit as it went, but not sure that’s necessary. Related Posts: The Comfort of Eggs in a Basket. Eggs in a basket was the first meal I ever cooked.

The Comfort of Eggs in a Basket

I was in 5th grade, and it was a Sunday morning at my best friend's house after a sleepover. We woke up hungry, and for some reason his parents weren't home. This confused me--my parents would never do that--but more important than confusion was the fact that I was terribly hungry, and I didn't see how that problem was going to be solved, since his house never had any cereal in it. "We'll make eggs in a basket," my friend said, pulling out a loaf of bread, a jug of oil, and a carton of eggs. You mean, we'll be cooking? The resulting breakfast was awesome: runny yolk and crisp bread dripping with oil (we filled the skillet so much oil it was basically deep-fried).

Ideally, make this with slices of toast cut thick. I guess I have a fondness for very fast and simple eggs + bread dishes, my love of "eggy bread" evidence of this, which is basically French toast without sweetness or spices. What are your go-to quick meals when hunger looms? Onion & Cheese Bread. This bread is simply delicious.

Onion & Cheese Bread

It's a great snacking dish, so pull some pieces off and enjoy the cheesey goodness. Yield: 8 servings Ingredients 1 sourdough loaf, 2 lbs.1 lb. Monterey Jack cheese, thinly sliced1/2 cup butter, melted1/2 cup diced green onion1 1/2 tsp poppy seeds Directions Using a serated knife, cut the bread lengthwise into 1-inch strips without cutting through the bottom. Adapted from The Girl who Ate Everything. Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day.