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Megalomania's Link Section. Chemical & Engineering News: What's That Stuff? You might ask yourself... What's That Stuff? Ever wondered about what's really in hair coloring, Silly Putty, Cheese Wiz, artificial snow, or self-tanners? C&EN presents a collection of articles that gives you a look at the chemistry behind a wide variety of everyday products. Sort: Alphabetically (Text Only) | Most Recent. Royal Society of Chemistry, the largest organisation in Europe f. Chemical & Engineering News: Critter Chemistry. Skip to Main Content Chemical & Engineering News Serving the chemical, life sciences and laboratory worlds Advanced Home » Critter Chemistry Critter Chemistry Welcome to Critter Chemistry Chemistry isn't confined to laboratories and classrooms. Amphibians & Reptiles Frogs Deformed Frogs Frog Development Poison Frogs Geckos Gecko Bonding Gecko Feet Gecko Tape Tuatara Birds Birds And Frogs: An Alkaloid Connection Organohalogens occur naturally in bird eggs Toucan Beaks Fish Luring Lampreys Painkilling Puffer Fish Semiconducting Sharks Shark Repellent Fluorescent Shrimp Squid Night-lights Insects Why Spider Webs Stick Odors Inhibit Fly CO2 Response Plants to bugs: Buzz off!

What's That Stuff? Ants In Drag Alluring scent entices bees to illusory sex Bees On Patrol Hornet Alarms The Wasp Mating Game Wasps Duped By Orchid Symbiotic bacteria make drug candidate in beetles Butterflies Butterfly Wings Caterpillars Choosy Caterpillars Collagen Cocoons Scorpions' First Defense Spider Silk Spider toxin Flatworm Attack Worms With A Copper Smile. Sam Barros' CHEMLABS! Chemistry in action! The more hazardous items are kept in a cupboard for added safety. The acids and bases come in large bottles; the brown ones are for light sensitive chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid, and the large heat resistant 1L graduated Schott Duran for Sulphuric. The smaller bottles (250, 100, and 50mL) contain chemicals that are not used frequently, are very expensive, or are too hazardous for mass storage (examples include mercury metal, sodium peroxide, phosphoric acid, arsenic, etc).

Oxidizers and solids in general come in plastic bottles ranging from 25g to 1kilogram. The Hydrofluoric and Perchloric acid, and the distilled water all come in Teflon bottles. Some of the more "advanced" equipment includes a 0 - 360C thermostat controlled hotplate (300W), a 50cm long serpentine glass condenser (both seen on the picture to the left, which show a distillation apparatus set up for the distillation of Nitric Acid.

Questions? Delights of Chemistry - Chemistry Demonstrations performed in Le.