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Exchange - Dropbox. Aleksandar Zograf. L'Association | Maison d'édition de bandes dessinées fondée en 1990. Une bulle à Paris. Woods of Arcady, 2010, Jon Rafman - Collection of Stefan Simchowitz. Tom Huet. Xpo Gallery. Charles Goyard - électronique et programmation pour le spectacle. Animations - Vincent Broquaire. Island, 2013 Progressbar, 2013 Eclipse, 2012, 1,11 min Lake, 2012, 0,54 min Get milk, 2012, 0,43 min In the woods, 2012, 0,40 min Mountain, 2013, film sur iPad - exposition Malleability, Xpo gallery Paris Get milk, festival Cultures Electroni-k 2012, Rennes Truck, 2010 The sun goes down, 2009 Voir tous les films d’animation sur vimeo vincent broquaire. Alban le henry » vuitton voyages. Vuitton voyages exhibition at the national museum of china. from june to september 2011. scenographie, Gerard Cholot. design, alban le henry. photo crédit: luc castel, alban le henry. ESTÚDIO FOMA SHOWCASE | 55 11 3256.5985 | Estúdio de Design e Coletivo de Artistas | SP | Brazil | “Orishiki” is a hybrid word composed of “Ori ”, taken f rom Origami, Japanese paper-folding art, and “Shiki ” taken f rom Furoshiki, Japanese traditional wrapping cloth which is large enough to wrap and transport goods and gifts, as well as wearing them as scarves. “ORISHIKI” is a new carrying device consisting of a single piece of two dimensional structure, constructed of triangular segments which can be folded like origami, and can wrap things like furoshiki. The geometric bag is not only idiosyncratic in its appearance but also in its highly speacialized production process. The unique process can be applied to just about any productions without losing its unique product identity. 折り紙の「折-Ori-」と風呂敷の「敷-shiki-」、方法ややり方を表す「式-Shiki-」を組み合わせた造語「ORISHIKI」。 折り紙のように折れ曲がる、三角形のセグメントで構成された一枚の構造体が、風呂敷のように物を包み込みながら、荷物としての機能を果たすまったく新しいコンセプトの鞄のシステム。 幾何学的に閉じられたその鞄は、構造的にユニークなだけでなく、その製造方法も特殊。 そのため、独自のブランド・アイデンティティを保ちながら、さまざまな製品展開も可能となった。 New ORISHIKI Prototype at DesignTide Tokyo 2010 ORISHIKI Spectacle case.

Janet Echelman. Poisson 3. Strata #1 | Quayola. Strata #1 {2008} Audiovisual Installation 2ch HD projection | 4ch sound Dimension Variable Installation Stills The term Strata defines a geological formation made of multiple layers of rock. Each one of these layers has its own individual characteristics and history, which combined produce beautiful and unique formations… The Strata project consist in a series of films, prints and installations investigating improbable relationships between contemporary digital aesthetics and icons of classical art and architecture.

Additional Credits: Sound: Autobam Photography: James Medcraft Producer: Ignazio Giovacchini Short-Film Commissioned by onedotzero Short-Film additional animation: Labmeta Quayola 2007/8. Ron Pippin. - Design - Mathias Kiss - Art Director Management. Phantasmagorical Landscape Manipulations. My Modern Metropolis Phantasmagorical Landscape Manipulations Who says you need a camera to capture a remarkable image?

Portland-based designer Jim Kazanjian sifts through thousands of found photographs and digitally pieces approximately 30 of them together to produce his impeccably manipulated surreal landscapes, without ever physically operating a camera himself. Taking cues from the fictional works of iconic science fiction author H.P. The recomposed photographs that Kazanjian constructs each evoke a sense of mystery. You can purchase prints of selected works of Kazanjian at 23 Sandy Gallery. Jim Kazanjian website via [Photojojo] You might like: Powerful Non-Stereotypical Portraits of Homeless People New Non-Photoshopped Body Art by Chooo-san Intricately Designed Linocut Portraits The Other Me Recommended by Views: 4448 Tags: Jim Kazanjian, photo Share Twitter Facebook Facebook Add a Comment You need to be a member of My Modern Metropolis to add comments!

Join My Modern Metropolis Sign Upor Sign In. Work | DIGITALKITCHEN. Kyle Thompson. Hiroshi Sugimoto. MICROSONIC LANDSCAPES. Pas de Deux - New York Sculpture Artist | Kinetic Sculpture | Daniel Wurtzel: Sculptor of Unique Materials & Experiences. Cinemagraphs | Ann Street Studio. ■ Orbe ■ Si loin, si proche ■ Sonde 04#12 ■ COLLAGES : thomas devaux. Collages by Thomas Devaux: the vibration of the borrowed space Pictorial works, sculpture and photography are above all inventions of their own space, establishing their presence as worldly objects. A collage is composed of disparate elements or arbitrary gatherings. It is a collection of spaces that must coexist so as to create a new form that unfolds in a space as yet to be seen. The crop (the frame) is certainly the foundational element of a photograph, but it occurs within a singular and coherent whole. Collage, the result of a multiplicity of cutouts arranged upon a neutral surface, must harmonise these disparate elements, but more often than not, the collage is reduced to a pure and simple juxtaposition.

How does Thomas Devaux overcome the obstacles posed by this pitfall? We cannot disregard the properties of the chosen elements, and it is certain that a hand or face painted by Ingres or Géricault are the result of an aesthetic choice and a pictorial agenda. Anne Biroleau. Galerie de TingAn Ho. Martín Satí graphic workshop. Art direction + Graphic Design + Illustration. Laetitia Avril. Gillian Taylor | a paper art blog. Welcome to Cai Guo-Qiang | Cai Guo-Qiang. Illustrations, Pierre-Yves Cezard Portfolio : ILLUSTRATION, croquis : Paon. Illustrations, Pierre-Yves Cezard Portfolio : BANDE DESSINEE, héritiers : L'Héritier. Nowness. Es Tela a Cuadro. (1) WeDoData. Hans lucas. Le studio Hans Lucas soutient l'émergence d'écritures contemporaines et crée des synergies au-delà des frontières disciplinaires.

C'est un collectif ouvert qui invite des auteurs, des artistes émergents ou reconnus - photographes, réalisateurs, journalistes, dessinateurs, créateurs sonores - à faire ensemble. Laboratoire d'idées ou rencontres en direction d'acteurs professionnels, tous les mois le studio propose plusieurs rendez-vous à sa communauté et renforce les liens de manière transversale. Plateforme internationale de valorisation et de diffusion d'oeuvres, nous proposons également à nos clients de répondre à leurs besoins en production (photographie et/ou multimédia) : reportage, événement, portrait, mode, publicité ou communication d'entreprise. Nous pouvons coordonner intégralement un projet ou vous accompagner dans sa mise en place ou son suivi.

N'hésitez pas à nous solliciter ainsi qu'à consulter les portfolios et les réalisations audiovisuelles en ligne. ///// ZOE MORE O'FERRALL : /////ZOE MORE O'FERRALL. DOJO - Paul Destieu. DOJO is a col­la­bo­ration between Paul Destieu and Julien Toulze The DOJO installation is based on a perview meant to display an original edition of the saga Star Wars. This version pro­poses a com­pi­lation of the duel scenes as an appro­priation of the romantic nature of the sound­track, of the Mani­chean cha­rac­te­ristic of dia­logues and of the futu­ristlike light and sound effect treatment.

The confi­gu­ration is deve­lopped around the spatial encounter of two video pro­jectors set on top of two speakers. This duel is arbi­trated by a central audio-​​visual control, located in the back­ground of the stage which consists on a com­puter with the same audio and video signals for the two beamers and speakers. Two machines spread fog through the room, in order to reveal the light beams and in order to coun­teract the pro­jection of pic­tures. The cinema screening turns into a space dedi­cated to a light and sound fight without loser nor winner. Nantais... /exposition : Atelier de création.

Château des Ducs de Bretagne, Nantes. Avril-novembre 2011 Les grands portraits Dernière partie et "mur des noms" Au verso des portraits Le grand échafaudage. Shipping Container Conversions, Up-cycled Second Life Structures available for immediate rental and purchase » HOSPITALITY. Work. Cities and buildings (publishing) - Laurent Bazart - Portfolio. 2/10 Sticky au Japon (Mango Jeunesse) 3/10 Sticky au Japon (Mango Jeunesse) 4/10 Sticky au Japon (Mango Jeunesse) 5/10 Mook gares (Autrement) 6/10 Dada #173 7/10 Dada #173 8/10 Dada #173 9/10 Dada #173. Leslie David. Bornstein & Sponchiado | Design graphique | Paris. Digital Archives - Frederic Sofiyana. Reynald Drouhin. Most Creative People 2013. THEO MERCIER. Design - Akatre. Galerie | Instant Life. Accueil » Galerie Galerie Zoom in Lire Plus « Articles précédents. Kickstarting: A Desktop Mill For Carving Your Own Circuit Boards. 3-D printing seems limitless. You dream it, you build it. But mostly, 3-D printing is only good for making inert plastic shapes. What if you want to build whole, blinking, glowing, communicating gadgets? The Othermill , by Otherfab , is a desktop mill that wants to do for circuit boards what the MakerBot has done for physical objects.

Namely, the mill could enable you to create highly accurate, totally custom electronic guts to fit inside the unique spaces of bespoke gadgetry. “Most boards are standard sizes and relatively large, they can be difficult to work into small objects or wearable electronics,” explains Otherfab’s Martine Neider. Truth be told, most any electronic project the average person would call “polished” requires a bit of custom circuitry, but wearables really do up the ante for circuit boards that can think beyond the traditional rectangle. Othermill is technically a Kickstarter project that’s still in development. Support it here . Portfolio. Design Haptique. ( ), il s’est appliqué à faire du « bernard l’ermite centred design ». Car oui, vous connaissez certainement la condition du Bernard l’ermite, qui grandit au fur et à mesure de sa vie et doit donc se trouver une carapace de plus en plus grande.

Ce changement d’habitation ne se fait pas sans peine et c’est ainsi que Peter a décidé d’aider notre animal à se pavaner avec une carapace sur mesure et… très élégante ! Ou des animaux n’est pas nouvelle dans le monde de l’art, cependant, les imprimantes 3D facilement accessibles et utilisables permettent aujourd’hui de réparer, corriger, améliorer et créer le monde qui nous entoure, et pourquoi pas la nature qui nous entoure ? Imaginez une imprimante 3D qui crée des choses en bois, qui produit des sculptures de glace, qui crée du coquillage, qui forme des objets en feuille, ou encore qui permettrait de remplacer la patte d’un animal blessé, etc. source ces oreilles de chat farfelues contrôlées par les ondes cérébrales. Le projet Andrew Nip Malthe Borch. TurnisLeftHome / Timothy J. Reynolds. Lab. Provoked by our curiosity, we are always in search of new forms of expression.

We gain abundant experience from our experimental work, enabling us to apply new and unconventional methods of design in our projects. In addition to commissioned work, we use every opportunity to work independently, to experiment and to discover new things. Spurred by curiosity, we recognize in each new endeavor the chance to gain both experience and knowledge. We achieve both know-how and experience from our experimental work, to which are also able to apply both novel and unconventional design methods. In our lab projects we are able to explore how new approaches in technology and design can be united. In such projects our goal is not necessarily to find solutions, but rather to approach subject matter in a playful and uninhibited manner, which results in innovative and unexpected products whose outcome is open and often even surprises us. sort by tag Heatmapvirtual thermo reactive surface.

Dune 4.2. Exploration Urbaine par David de Rueda | Russian Star. C’est l’histoire d’un cargo abandonné. Une nuit d’hiver, le cargo gisait comme chaque nuit au fond d’un port de construction. Oublié de tous, il attendait dans le froid glaçant d’être désossé. Mais pour cela, encore aurait-il fallu que quelqu’un veuille payer. Encore vivant, il respire deux fois par jour au rythme de la marée qui fait osciller ses 6000 tonnes de plusieurs mètres. Il a remonté ses bras de fer et scellé son cœur afin que personne ne le dérange. Doucement, nous nous sommes tirés à bord à l’aide d’une corde pour n’en redescendre que dix heures plus tard. « You have almost abandoned 9 of your seamen on board a cargo belonging to you. We will continue to conduct actions as long as all overdue wages are not sorted out. Le cargo dispose de six niveaux. Autrefois habité par 24 marins, il a parcouru les mers chaudes, gorgé de pétrole.

Son cœur malade s’est échoué sur nos côtes. Impossible de croire que ce cargo soit vide, la vie y est palpable. Texte : Mélanie de Groot van Embden. Valerie Henry » bio jean-jacques-pallot. Reza Ali. Succursale | Ruppert & Mulot. Humanités et sciences cognitives (3/4) : Machines à écrire. Joanie Lemercier. Claire Trotignon. Botto e bruno. Avoka. Eva Menz. Projects | tomek jarolim : Artist Fills The Sky With Fun, Whimsical Doodles.

Tauba Auerbach Artist | No | Paulson Bott Press | Limited Edition Intaglio Prints & Gallery. Lucy Milanova. Pas de Deux - New York Sculpture Artist | Kinetic Sculpture | Daniel Wurtzel: Sculptor of Unique Materials & Experiences. More Carved Book Landscapes by Guy Laramee. Interactive Comic - NAWLZ - Season 1 and Season 2.