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French Lessons - Level A1 - A2 - B1 - B2 - C1. The French lessons and comprehension exercises on this site are ranked according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which describes six levels of language proficiency. Click any link for French lessons and exercises appropriate to that level, or get some info about the official proficiency tests and tips on how to prepare for them. A1 – Beginning French Everyday language: greetings, personal detailsGrammar | Listening | Pronunciation | Reading | Vocabulary | Writing | Lawless French for Beginners: » Self-study checklist A2 – Low-Intermediate French Survival language: family, shopping, routinesGrammar | Listening | Pronunciation | Reading | Vocabulary | Writing | B1 – Intermediate French Practical language: work, school, travelGrammar | Listening | Pronunciation | Reading | Vocabulary | Writing | B2 – Upper-Intermediate French Conversational language: in-depth discussion, opinions, spontaneityGrammar | Listening | Pronunciation | Reading | Vocabulary | Writing |

Išmokite Prancūzų abėcėlę | Abėcėlė Prancūzų kalbos abėcėlė ir tarimo ypatumai Dažnas galvoja, kad prancūzų kalbos tarimas yra sudėtingas ir painus. Taip yra todėl, kad daugelį žodžių rašome vienaip, o tariame kitaip. Pavyzdžiui, tik įgudusi ausis gali atskirti šiuos žodžius: vingt (liet. dvidešimt), vin (liet. vynas) ir vent (liet. vėjas). Pirmiausiai reikėtų žinoti, kad kirčiuojamas visas sakinys ar dalis sakinio.

Il vient de Paris - jis yra iš Paryžiaus Rašyboje kirčio ženklai vartojami tarimo skirtumams pažymėti; taip pat gali skirti vienodus, bet skirtingos reikšmės žodžius. Tariame skirtingai: je - aš. Tariame vienodai (žodžiai su balsiais a ir u): ou - arba où - kur a - jis/ji turi à - į Čia rasite svarbiausias prancūzų kalbos abėcėlės raidžių tarimo taisykles. Raidės a ir à tariamos panašiai kaip lietuviškoji a žodyje mama. table - stalas à - į Raidė â, taip pat ir raidė a (junginiuose as, ase, asse) tariamos ištęstai. Pâques - Velykos vase - vaza mais - bet lait - pienas auteur - autorius aussi - taip pat. Online French Lessons - Learn French. Checklist of French Basics - Self-Study for Beginners. Learn French Checklist - Month 1 Start learning French basics and work your way up.

This is month 1 of a free, six-month online French learning course. Week 1 Vo Greetings Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Vo Introductions Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Gr French nouns Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Gr Definite article Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Vb French verbs Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Vb Present Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Pr Alphabet Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Week 2 Vo Essential French vocabulary Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Vo Politeness Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Gr Subject pronouns Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Gr Tu vs vous Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Vb -ER verbs Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Pr Introduction to vowels Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Pr A Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Pr I Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Pr O Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Week 3 Vo Numbers Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Vo Time Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Gr Il y a Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes: Pr E Review: ___ Done: ___ Notes:

Your First Month Learning French: A Step-by-Step Guide - Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips. 1000 Most Common French Words - Top French vocabulary. Written by Administrator Friday, 19 February 2010 10:29 When starting to learn French, it is always a good idea to memorize the most common words first. This will enable you to understand many more situations than if you were leaning your French vocabulary from random sources.

Here's the list of most common French words along with their English translation. Note that some words in the list perform a similar function and can be grouped into a single entry with a higher combined rank. De and d' -- translated as of, from, by, than, in, with. Most Used French words 1-50 We are aware of French lists that rank 'de' as the most frequently occurring word. The frequency list is based on original work of Boris New, Christophe Pallier, 2001 L'équipe de Lexique.

If you are also learning Russian, get and app to learn Russian Words on iPhone, iPod, iPad and Android. Index of most common French words. DELF/DALF exams | Alliance Française Rotterdam. FUN - The Freedom to Study. Radio en direct audio - Europe 1. France Culture – L'actualité culturelle et politique. Apprendre et enseigner le français. Elementary French I. Elementary French I[Enter Course] Overview: Elementary French I is a carefully sequenced and highly interactive presentation of French language and culture in a media-rich course environment including new video shot in France and Québec with young professional actors.

It is designed to be used as a full course of study. To successfully use this course, you should be a motivated student with a sincere desire to learn about French language and francophone cultures, and be comfortable with computer technologies. The time commitment will typically average 6-8 hours per week. For information on studying French online vs. in person, see Who should study French Online? In the course introduction. In-Depth Description Each lesson opens with a video dramatization that sets the context for the lesson. Elementary French II. Elementary French II[Enter Course] Overview: Elementary French II is a carefully sequenced and highly interactive presentation of French language and culture in a media-rich course environment including new video shot in France and Québec with young professional actors. It is designed to be used as a full course of study. To successfully use this course, you should be a motivated student with a sincere desire to learn about French language and francophone cultures, and be comfortable with computer technologies.

The time commitment will typically average 6-8 hours per week. For information on studying French online vs. in person, see Who should study French Online? In the course introduction. In-Depth Description Each lesson opens with a video dramatization that sets the context for the lesson. A1 : grammaire. Sélection par l’équipe du CAVILAM – Alliance française d’activités disponibles sur des sites d’apprentissage du français en ligne. Où et quand Où : venir à, aller chez, en face de, à gauche de… Les déterminants : le, mon, ce… Les articles définis et indéfinis : le, la, un, une… Les possessifs : mon, ton… Les démonstratifs : ce, cette… Les pronoms : je, tu, il, moi, toi… Les pronoms sujets : je, tu, il… Les pronoms toniques : moi, toi… La construction de la phrase La négation : ne…pas Les questions et les réponses L’ordre des mots L’ordre des mots dans une question C’est, il est, il y a… Exprimer la quantité.

Séries d'exercices - A1 débutant. Ateliers débutants. Francetv éducation - la plateforme des parents, élèves et enseignants.