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Untitled Document. Tibetan Eye Chart Give your body and your EYES the nutrition they need! For generations the people of Tibet have used natural methods to correct visual weakness and improve their eyesight. Chief among the methods employed has been the use of certain exercises which have proved useful over long periods of time.

The figure on this chart was designed by Tibetan Lama Monks to give the necessary corrective exercises and stimulation to the muscles and nerves of the optical system. How to Use the Chart These exercises are to be done without eyeglasses or contacts. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Repeat exercises as desired being careful to avoid strain. The process of repair and the reforming of the curvature of the back of the eye require specific exercise and the increase of the nutrients used only by the eye for its repair and maintenance. The American Longevity Vision-FX was specifically made to provide the nutrition specific to the eye itself. Audio Highs. Daily Biorhythm - Check your Biorhythms (free biochart/biorythm) Joe's Goals - Free Online Habit Tracker. Ovulation Tests - On Sale Now with Free Same-Day Shipping. Ovulation tests are our most popular choice for pinpointing ovulation - the time when you're most likely to conceive.

Our customers love them because they're accurate, affordable, and easy-to-use. We offer two varieties of low-cost, high sensitivity ovulation predictor kits: Ovulation Midstream Tests and Ovulation Test Strips. Midstream tests are held in your urine stream; test strips are placed vertically in a container of urine. Both tests provide accurate results in just minutes, allowing you to predict peak fertility. Ovulation tests work by allowing you to detect your monthly LH Surge - the sudden and dramatic increase in luteinizing hormone present in your urine just before you ovulate. LH is the hormone that facilitates ovulation (the release of the egg). When you detect your LH surge with an ovulation test, you know you are fertile.