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Family tree of the Greek gods. Interactive Greek Gods Family Tree. Greek Mythology. Many Myths, Greek Mythology - Ancient Greece for Kids. The ancient Greeks told stories about their gods.

Many Myths, Greek Mythology - Ancient Greece for Kids

These stories are called myths (short for mythology, or stories about gods.) Stories about the ancient Greek gods are still told today. Each storyteller told the stories in their own way, but whatever power and personality a god had was consistent from story to story. For example, Zeus was the king of all the gods, and only Zeus could throw lightning bolts. The magical world of the ancient Greek gods was a world full of bickering and fights and wars and compromise and fear and fun and punishment and love. Ancient Greek Mythology for Kids. History >> Ancient Greece The Greeks had numerous gods and many stories and myths that surrounded them.

Ancient Greek Mythology for Kids

They built temples and offered sacrifices to their major gods. Here are some of the major Greek gods: