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Florence på Steam. Shady Part of Me - Focus Home Interactive. «The Walking Dead» – Moralfilosofi etter zombie-apokalypsen – Spillpedagogbanken. Undervisningsforslaget er laget med utgangspunkt i Tobias Staabys opplegg fra

«The Walking Dead» – Moralfilosofi etter zombie-apokalypsen – Spillpedagogbanken

Zombiene har tatt over. Verden er ikke lengre et sted hvor de vanlige lovene og reglene gjelder. Du må selv være med å bestemme hva som er rett å gjøre nå – og samtidig lære opp kommende generasjoner i hvordan de kan tenke om hva som er rett å gjøre også når de ikke står midt oppe i en zombie-apokalypse. Om spillet «The Walking Dead» er et eventyrspill satt i en dystopisk, post-apokalyptisk verden, der menneskene kjemper for å overleve i en verden hvor de døde vender tilbake som zombier.

Valgene du må gjøre i spillet er sjelden enten objektivt gode eller objektivt onde, og du sitter ofte igjen med å velge mellom ulike gråsoner. Spillet har en PEGI-aldersanbefaling på 18 år, og er egnet til bruk for elever fra Vg3 og oppover. PS! Undervisningsmål To læringsprinsipper utgjør hjørnestenene i dette opplegget. Det er tatt utgangspunkt i følgende læreplanmål. Målet er at elevene skal kunne:

Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. Proteus on Steam. Detroit: Become Human. Detroit: Become Human, the latest and most ambitious video game production from Quantic Dream, is finally coming to PC!

Detroit: Become Human

Featuring world-renowned actors like Jesse Williams (Grey’s Anatomy), Clancy Brown (Carnivale), Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Bryan Dechart (True Blood) and Valorie Curry (Twilight), Detroit: Become Human puts the destiny of both mankind and androids in your hands, taking you to a near and not-so-impossible future where machines have become more intelligent than humans. Every choice you make affects the outcome of the game, with one of the most intricately branching narratives ever created. Detroit 2038. Technology has evolved to a point where human like androids are everywhere.

They speak, move and behave like human beings, but they are only machines serving humans. Offisielt nettsted. Richie's Plank Experience. The Democracy Times by Agar3s. What Isn't Saved (will be lost) by catacalypto. A Mortician's Tale by Laundry Bear Games. A Mortician's Tale takes about 1 hour to play.

A Mortician's Tale by Laundry Bear Games

It's a short, but deeply meaningful experience. A Mortician's Tale is a story-driven death positive video game where you play as a mortician tasked with running a funeral home. Take on the role of recent funeral direction graduate Charlie as she learns the ropes of the business and industry. Prepare the bodies of the deceased (via embalming or cremation), attend their funerals and listen to their loved ones' stories, and interact with Charlie's coworkers, clients, and bosses. A Mortician's Tale is an informative, honest, and sometimes humorous look at the current state of and the future of the western death industry. “One Of 2017's Best Games... One Of Polygon's Best Games of 2017 — "The video game industry is built on the destruction of bodies of all kinds. . “82/100 — An approachable and thought-provoking meditation on life’s only certainty.” – PC Gamer “Recommended — This is a beautiful game.

The Night Fisherman by Far Few Giants, Chard, de_fault. You're a night fisherman, and you spot a boat approaching.

The Night Fisherman by Far Few Giants, Chard, de_fault

You bait your rod and steel yourself, ready for interrogation. Once he arrives, the man on the opposite deck is calm, civilised, and has a shotgun slung across his back. How's this gonna go down? “Deals with some difficult subject matter in a thoughtful and captivating way” Free Game Planet “Far Few Giants are changing the game of interactive cinematography” Re:Bind “A powerful execution of micro-fiction” The Escapist The English Protection Group keep a watchful eye on the Smuggler's Run, a renowned crossing for vessels bound from Calais containing illegal immigrants.

When faced with an armed man, his voracious appetite for conversation, and nobody else for miles, can you safely get rid of him? This is a single, film-like scene. The first of twelve small, experimental narrative games to be released monthly. The Outcast Lovers by Far Few Giants, de_fault, Chard. Driving home late one night you encounter a refugee in distress.

The Outcast Lovers by Far Few Giants, de_fault, Chard

They are looking for salvation. Do you hand them over to violent authorities? Or risk sheltering them yourself? “Deals with some difficult subject matter in a thoughtful and captivating way” Free Game Planet. Frostpunk. This War of Mine – This War Of Mine provides an experience of war seen from an entirely new angle. For the very first time you do not play as an elite soldier, rather a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city. Little Misfortune. Headliner - Unbound Creations.

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