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Affinity Designer

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The A to Z of Affinity Designer. Design.tutsplus. Design.tutsplus. Forum, Français, tutoriel, Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, Affinity Publisher, français, tuto. Affinity Designer Tutorials, Brushes and Vector Packs. Create a logo with Affinity Designer. Affinity Designer is a fresh new design and illustration app that burst on to the scene last year and immediately won Editors' Choice, before becoming a runner up in the contest for Best App of 2014.

Create a logo with Affinity Designer

Yesterday, Serif announced some top new features in Affinity Designer 1.4. Here, I'll walk you through how to create a unique logo using the software. I'll cover the basics of the app, including working with lines and shapes, laying out a page, and exporting various elements as efficient web graphics. Affinity Designer is Mac-only for now, but that may change once the developers finish up the suite of tools (which will also include Affinity Photo and Affinity Publisher). Before you get started, download the 10-day Affinity Designer trial and install it (or dive in and buy it from the Mac App Store).

Step 01 Launch the app and create a new doc from the startup panel. Step 02 Step 03 Step 04 It's evident now that some layout guides will help keep the growing number of elements neat. Step 05. Affinity. Affinity Photo for iPad – the first fully-featured, truly professional photo editing tool to arrive on Apple’s tablet – is now on sale.


We were proud to be able to launch it during the keynote at Apple’s WWDC in San Jose on 5 June – the highlight of Apple’s global product launch calendar. If you saw that, or if you use Affinity Photo already, you’ll understand why it’s the choice of thousands of professional photographers, retouchers and editors around the world. We think Affinity Photo for iPad redefines photo editing once again, by bringing almost all the features in the Mac version to your iPad, so you can take all that photo editing power with you wherever you go. The new version is tailored to harness the explosive power of the iPad’s hardware and touch capabilities, and is compatible with iPad Air 2, iPad 2017, iPad Pro 9.7-inch and 12.9-inch. Watch the video: See more: Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer version 1.6 customer betas are now available for Mac and Windows users! Thanks! Affinity, l’Illustrator killer. Utilisateur d’Illustrator et de la suite Adobe depuis une quinzaine d’années, autant dire que les habitudes sont solidement installées.

Affinity, l’Illustrator killer.

Autant dire également qu’au fil des années, la suite et ses logiciels ont pris une direction bien lourde, tentant de faire ingurgiter 3D et vidéo à Photoshop, tentant de faire devenir Indesign un outil d’UX et de webdesign (???) … L’ergonomie et les outils accusent le coup. Illustrator a toujours fait partie de mon workflow quotidien. Créer des formes vectorielles, motifs, patterns, les expédier dans Photoshop pour de la photocompo, ou plus récemment, nourrir des bibliothèques partagées. Design.tutsplus. Affinity Designer - performance, expérience utilisateur et tarif – Magazine du Webdesign.