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Lifehacker. Tilt-Shift Photography Photoshop Tutorial. This tutorial will walk you through how to create a tilt-shift image in Photoshop.

Tilt-Shift Photography Photoshop Tutorial

It has been produced using Photoshop CS2 on a PC. Once you finish your tilt-shift image, make sure you upload your image for everyone to see. You should also check our our gear page to find all of the latest gear you need to create tilt-shift images. Gear PageSubmit Your Images Step 1: Photo Selection. 30 Watercolor Tutorials and Brush Sets for Photoshop - StumbleUpon. Photoshop CS4: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words - Layers Magazine. I love Photoshop techniques that offer all kinds of possibilities for experimentation—and the following tutorial is a perfect example of one of those techniques.

Photoshop CS4: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words - Layers Magazine

In this issue, we’re going to take a portrait and replace the person’s image with text (think 2009 Grammy posters). Pick a portrait that offers good contrast—a photo that’s very dramatic and dark probably won’t work as well. I’ve had the best success with straight-on head and shoulder shots, but again, feel free to experiment with all types of photos. For the best results, choose a photo that has a light background (or select the background around the person and make it lighter).

Create a new document (File>New) in a size that’s smaller than your photo: the specifics don’t really matter.