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Doujinshi Round-up: People I Know Edition. Given that I spent some time talking about the random doujinshi I have encountered on this trip to Japan, you might well expect that there was some non-random doujinshi involved in my reading lately, and in that, you would be correct.

Doujinshi Round-up: People I Know Edition

I have indeed been reading the doujinshi of people who are, in fact, known to me, as I hope they are to you. And if they’re not, I would suggest you check out the non-doujin works of these artists because they are six kinds of awesome and they could use your support. Oddly enough, they’ve all been published in English, so if you have manga dollars to spend, these would be a good place to put them. You know that I basically cannot spend anytime in Japan without picking up something by Brain favourite est em. She is just so prolific and her work is just so worth talking about.

Because of course, I picked up some of her centaur phase work. I also grabbed Aslan, which she was selling at Comitia last month, along with a centauriffic hand cloth. Like this: Yagate Ai ni naru - un yaoi de est em - Ma petite Médiathèque. Yagate, Ai ni Naru: est em. Welcome back to the est em fanclub!

Yagate, Ai ni Naru: est em

I know you’ve been out there chewing your fingernails, waiting for me to heap praise upon her again, wondering when her graceful lines would appear here once more. The wait is over! Take those fingernails out of your mouth and join me with some indigo love and one of est em’s more recent BL works. Although I have to say upfront, this will probably be the least fanclub-y post about est em you’ll find my brain writing since Yagate, Ai ni Naru features my least-favourite/most-squicky BL storyline: brothers. I let a lot of things slide in BL because you know, it’s boys’ love, it’s fantasy, it’s not meant to be any kind of real-life depiction of anything. And it does not matter if the brothers in question are not blood relatives, as is the case in Yagate.

Both Kota’s adopted and real fathers are/were indigo dyers. Golondrina: est em. You are probably rolling your eyes at this point and muttering to yourself, “More est em?

Golondrina: est em

Come on!” And then the person in the next cubicle (I assume you are reading this at work, trying to just get to five o’clock without killing anyone in your office, but that guy who keeps breathing through his mouth while he scarfs down stinky shrimp chips is making that a very hard task indeed) adds “constantly talks to herself” to the list of things she is going to bring up when she talks to the boss about being moved far away from you. I certainly don’t mean to contribute to intra-office tensions, but you can’t blame me for continuing to devour her work when it is so consistently interesting and challenging.

When so many manga artists are focussed on the typical manga stories set in high schools, companies, and other institutions in Japan, est em is one of the artists always reaching outside the familiar and painting new worlds for her readers. To be honest, I was reluctant to read this one. Tableau Numéro 20 de est em chez SuBLime. Est em – Editions étrangères. D’est em, nous n’avons pas grand chose à nous mettre sous la dent.

est em – Editions étrangères

Pourtant, nombreux sont ses manga au Japon, comme en témoignent les différentes chroniques sur Brain VS Book que je vous conseille vraiment de lire (avec en plus une longue interview en prime). De plus, la carrière d’est em est en plein envol. Elle qui a commencé avec le boys love s’est vite trouvé un lectorat conquis par un dessin différent, très européen même, et surtout, par des histoires possédant une tonalité unique.

Je ne parlerai pas des oeuvres en elles-mêmes dans ce post, mais plutôt du livre (l’objet). Editions H. Tango : Yaoi. Tango Tango est un recueil d'histoires courtes.- Lever de rideauThéo Gallard est un danseur classique, et interprète avec brio les deux personnages de la pièce Carmen.

Tango : Yaoi

Alors qu'il arrête la danse, Théo se dirige vers Hollywood où il tourne un film en compagnie du célèbre et bel acteur Darren Fargus.- Une fois le spectacle terminéLa suite de l'histoire précédente.- Café et CigaretteParis. Un artiste peintre qui a arrêté de peindre, par manque d'inspiration et de confiance. Rencontre dans une librairie avec le propriétaire d'une galerie. L'un fume, l'autre aime le café.- Rockin' in my headIl est dans un groupe de rock et surtout, en galère d'argent.

Source : a-yin Mon avis. Est em sur Pinterest. An Interview with Est Em. The bulk of comics in the Boys’ Love (BL) genre—manga focusing on sexual relationships between two men (mostly by women for women)—tend to stick to some familiar beaten paths: the salaryman office romance, the younger man vs the older man, student vs teacher.

An Interview with Est Em

And no matter which beaten path the story treads, the men are generally very stylized and androgynous. But since her debut work Seduce Me After the Show was published in Japan in 2006, artist est em has been clear-cutting her own path, first through the wilderness of more realistic portrayals of men in relationships with each other and then beyond the confines of man-love to the wider manga world with non-BL works like her current series Golondrina and Ippo.

Part of a “BL new wave” with fellow BL-but-also-mainstream artists like Fumi Yoshinaga (Ooku) and Asumiko Nakamura (Utsubora), est em has been changing perceptions of BL and proving that good stories range beyond genre boundaries. Ma petite Médiathèque. Ayant parlé récemment de est em, et lui ayant décerné la couronne de reine du yaoi, j’ai eu envie de relire et chroniquer son seul manga paru à l’heure actuelle dans nos contrés : Tango, one-shot regroupant plusieurs histoires courtes.

Ma petite Médiathèque

La version française de ce yaoi a été publié par les éditiond H en 2010. La version japonaise est publié par les éditions Tôkyô Mangasha (2006) sous le titre ショーが跳ねたら逢いましょう (show ga hanetara aimashou). Si les américain ont traduit le titre par Seduce me after the show, on se demande où l’éditeur français a été chercher son titre. Car s’il est bien question de séduction après le show, point de Tango dans cette histoire ! Oh, le titre va à merveille avec cette sublime couverture rouge et noir, pleine de sex appeal. Spotlight (801 Special): Est Em. I have this horrible habit of figuring out the lives of people I see when I’m traveling.

Spotlight (801 Special): Est Em

I love to do this in airports since people hold many stories in such a small space. A woman walks by, clutching her Berkin bag. Probably a trophy wife of some Asian business magnate and she just arrived from shopping trip in New York. A tall lean guy with long legs, tattered jeans, and a Real Madrid jersey felt like a backpacker on his way home. If he had the hipster glasses, it’s either his boyfriend’s jersey or just something he wore to impress someone. Sometimes there are people who become alive just by what they wear.