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X STAND-Ergonomic, Multi-functional Laptop and Tablet Stand. by Dale Rorabaugh. Risks and challenges If there weren't any risks, it wouldn't be novel, original or any fun. Moving from prototype to production is rarely easy but having the experience of bringing projects to production is not new to me. Doing this for the first time is always filled with unknowns, fortunately this is not my rodeo. I have built trust over the last 30 years working with reliable partners that deliver. I am targeting delivery for June 2016 which allows us some time from when the project ends, funds are delivered and components ordered.

There might be slight design changes of which I will inform you. If you're in doubt drop me an email, I'll answer your questions. MacBook Pro, iPad mini, MacBook Air, iPad, iPhone, iPhone 6 Plus are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. Learn about accountability on Kickstarter. Getting started with app design. This blog is the first in a multi-part series on app design for developers. We’ll introduce you to the tricks of the design trade so you can create more attractive and more successful UWP apps. There is a well-known gap in the software industry between developers and designers, coders, and creatives that you don’t really see in other areas of the field. To improve the flow between development and QA teams, developers long ago rolled up their sleeves and came up with automated unit testing frameworks and continuous integration platforms. To better understand and improve project management, developers taught themselves how to analyze business requirements and adopted agile methodologies (lots and lots of them!).

When it comes to design, however, developers up to now have tended to run for the hills. Why is that? Demystifying design Like development, design is really just made up of a core set of skills, best practices, and parcels of information. Getting started What is the focus of your app? Building Touch Interaces That Don't Suck | raw tech. Internet des objets : une animation pour tout comprendre. Nous vous parlons chaque jour sur le site de l’internet des objets. Cette nouvelle mouvance peut-être complexe à appréhender pour un néophyte.

Grâce à cette belle animation interactive, on a accès à une explication simple de ce qu’est l’internet des objets. L’animation étant en anglais, voici un petit résumé de chaque partie. L’introduction présente l’évolution d’internet (ordinateurs, mobiles puis objets connectés). L’onglet «networked world» présente les différentes catégories de l’internet des objets (maison, villes, transports, wearables, santé…). En cliquant sur chaque cercle, vous pourrez voir certains exemples comme les montres connectées, les ampoules connectées, ou encore les piluliers connectés. Vous avez ensuite un résumé des différentes statistiques du marché, dans lesquels ont apprend par exemple que le marché de l’IOT va être multiplié par 6 en d’ici à 2020. Cette animation vous a plu ? Source. Alors que ce chiffre devrait s’élever à 411M rien que pour les wearables en 2020, une étude du cabinet de recherche IDC nous informe aujourd’hui que 78 millions d’objets connectés ont été en circulation en 2015 !

En hausse de 171,6% par rapport à la seule année 2014 qui a vu naître les premières smartwatches sous Android Wear, ce chiffre s’explique notamment par la nette progression des wearables : +27,4M de ventes pour une croissance de presque 127% ! Fitbit, Xiaomi et Apple restent les seuls maîtres du marché grâce à leurs wearables. Pourquoi ? Fitbit, leader mondial avec 26,9% de PDM malgré une chute en bourse, propose des trackers d’activité très simples et à un prix raisonnable, dédiés aux sportifs, les premiers à s’être intéressés à ce type d’appareils après les early adopters. Xiaomi, quant à elle, profite de sa position dominante en Chine pour proposer des bracelets connectés à tarif ultra-compétitif dans un marché incroyablement dense. Source. Graphisme par Geoffrey Dorne –Design & graphisme par Geoffrey Dorne. Excuses, Excuses! Why Companies Don’t Conduct User Research.

By Jim Ross Published: March 7, 2016 “While the term user experience has received a lot of attention over the last few years, many people still don’t know user research is the key activity that informs UX design.” Doing user research is like eating healthy food, exercising, and getting an annual checkup. Almost everyone recognizes that it’s good to do these things, but many people fail to do them. Similarly, many companies neglect to do user research. Why? What Is User Research? There are still many people—and entire companies—who create software, Web sites, and digital products, but are unaware of user research.

Solutions To fill this knowledge gap, you can do the following: We Already Know Our Users “It’s true that many people within an organization do have important knowledge about users. … But their knowledge is not usually sufficiently detailed and is not informed by direct observation of users performing their usual tasks.” But We Do Conduct User Research Topic: Columns | User Research. Visual Grammar: How To Communicate Without Words. I often use the phrase “visual design” when describing what we do as web designers. Recently I came across what I think is better phrase, “communication design.” When we design and build websites our goal is usually to communicate something to an audience. Communication requires language. That language can be aural as in the spoken word, it can be gestural as in sign language, or it can be visual as in design.

The more you understand any language the better you can communicate using that language. The visual language of design is no exception. Defining Visual Grammar Most of the information in this post is coming from Christian Leborg’s book Visual Grammar shown above. The reason for writing a grammar of visual language is the same as for any language: to define its basic elements, describe its patterns and processes, and to understand the relationship between the individual elements in the system.

The last point in the quote above is important. Objects Abstract Objects Concrete Objects. Modular Grid Pattern.
