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Is Sharing Contagious? In March 2008, Dustin Zuckerman started a local tool-lending library from the back closet of his small one-bedroom carriage house in Santa Rosa.

Is Sharing Contagious?

Zuckerman is a gently spoken man in his late thirties. His friends describe him as the "giving type. " He grew up in Los Angeles, the son of pawn brokers, but realized from an early age that the family business was not for him. La ruche qui dit oui. L’Art d’aller à l’essentiel – Léo Babauta.

Au camping de la bidouille. Transposez les énergies créatives des bidouilleurs urbains au milieu des montagnes à 1600 mètres d'altitude.

Au camping de la bidouille

Sans eau ni électricité. Laissez mijotez. Hackerspaces et fab labs sont venus planter leurs tentes au festival A Pado Loup pour tester et questionner la pertinence des technologies numériques face aux contraintes naturelles.