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Usando apps en la Educación. The State of the iPad in Education in 2015. Creative Commons License Image Source With Competition Slowly Creeping in, How Goes it for the Behemoth of the Classroom Tablet Scene?

The State of the iPad in Education in 2015

When Apple released the iPad in 2010, they took the world by storm, adding another jewel to their crown as the world’s leading provider of technology. The iPad suddenly made the until-then-overlooked tablet market something that mattered, and it kicked the mobile revolution into high gear. The introduction of the iPad also played no small role in Apple becoming the most valuable company in history by August of 2012. Much as education has consistently favored the Mac over the PC, the sector jumped with gusto onto the iPad ‘bandwagon’. So, here we are 5 years down the road. We’ve already seen that the iPad is still the dominant tablet in education … the undeniable king of the ivory-tower topped hill. Moreover, anyone with a decent understanding of tech realizes that it’s not really about the device, it’s about what you do with it, and how well you do it. Welcome to Open Library. Bridge the Physical-Digital Gap: QR Codes in the Classroom.

50 Reasons It's Time For Smartphones In Every Classroom. 50 Reasons It’s Time For Smartphones In Every Classroom by Terry Heick There are many ways to use a smartphone in the classroom, but it continues to be a touchy subject.

50 Reasons It's Time For Smartphones In Every Classroom

Privacy, equity, bandwidth, lesson design, classroom management, theft, bullying, and scores of other legitimate concerns continue to cloud education’s thinking about how to meaningfully integrate technology in the learning process. To be clear–learning can happen in the absence of technology. Integrated poorly, technology can subdue, distract, stifle, and obscure the kind of personal interactions between learner, content, peer, and performance that lead to learning results. But increasingly we live in a world where technology is deeply embedded into everything we do. There will be growing pains, and I’m sure educators that have brought in BYOD programs into their school can come up with 50 reasons it won’t work. Which will make an iPhone or Nexus 5 look like an abacus. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. iPad in Education. Aplicaciones Móviles. Teachwithyouripad - Blooms Taxonomy with Apps. A New Fantastic Bloom's Taxonomy Wheel for iPad Apps.

March 21, 2014 Today while I was browsing through my Twitter feeds I came across this fabulous Bloom's Taxonomy wheel of apps shared by Anthony.

A New Fantastic Bloom's Taxonomy Wheel for iPad Apps

If you still recall, some previous versions of this wheel have already been featured here in Bloom's Taxonomy for Teachers section . As you can see, the wheel outlines a wide variety of verbs and activities related to each thinking level of Blooms taxonomy coupled with iPad apps that go with it. These apps are supposed to help teachers and students better cultivate these different thinking levels in their use of iPad apps. And because the the visual is not hyperlinked, I went ahead and provided the links for each of these apps in the lists below. Enjoy Create Evaluate Annalyse Apply Remember/understand This wheel is originally discovered on the website of Paul Hopkin's education consultancy site adopted by Allan Carrington.

Apps for Bloom's Taxonomy.