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Techniques d'écriture / Writing techniques

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Excerpts from Yves Lavandier's WRITING DRAMA. "Tell me a story" During World War II, in the concentration camp of Stutthof, a woman called Flora ran a "bread theatre" using part of her meagre ration of bread to form little figurines. Every evening, hidden in the latrines, she and a few other women would put on a show using these figurines to entertain their doomed fellow-prisoners. They kept this up to the bitter end. A Holocaust survivor, Irena Lusky, passed on this story to the dramatist Joshua Sobol while he was carrying out research into the ghetto theatre in Vilnius for his play Ghetto.

Here we see how in even the most extreme circumstances people experience the need for stories. This need is not something superfluous. A fascinating story form As we grow older, our need for stories remains as intense as ever. Drama also bears a strange resemblance to the world of dreams. The origins of drama The art of drama lies at the very heart of the human personality. Back to the top of page Four essential conditions back to the top of page. Geoff Herbach on Personal Voice. It’s been a good run. Over the course of the past month, Geoff Herbach, author of Stupid Fast and Nothing Special, has stopped by Figment every Friday to dish out some golden nuggets of writerly advice, a handful of goofy and challenging prompts, plus a whole lot of personalized advice and tough love. Before we bid Geoff adieu for now, he’s got one last video and writing prompt to share with us.

During his stint at Figment, Geoff’s helped us get some practice in writing detail-filled sentences, crafting complex characters, setting the scene and whipping up authentic dialogue. This week, he focuses on one of the most important aspects of any writer’s craft: his or her individual voice. No matter how much you want to write like Hemingway or Salinger, you’re not either of them: you’re you. Tag your piece HerbachWriting5 by next Friday, 4/13. Feel up to a writing challenge? How to Write a Novel - the Everyday People's Guide. Welcome to Anne Gracie's Website. Random Book Title Generator. Hit a button to share with your friends Brought to You in League With... Leave a message for ANY other driver in the world, check your messages too! So funnny you'll ROFL, maybe PYP The best Comedic Wit in the world Put on your 3D Glasses & freak out!

Random Movie Plot Script Generator Eye & Brain Melting Optical Illusions Your IP Address, spoken for the lazy Virtual Reality 3D Face Generator Other Sites & Ppl We Like Ripper's Oculus RiftVideo of the DaySausage DoggieNissan Figaro BlogUK Thunderstorm DetectorUK Bank Holiday DatesToy RayGun CollectorCool GadgetsUKDad Ukulele BlogWebcam DatabaseBaby Name DatabasaeHairyfriend Pet InfoBy Penny - jewellery from photos. Workshop. Workshop: By Lazette Gifford© 2004, Lazette Gifford Once upon a time you wrote a story you truly loved. It was the first plot that kept you awake at night or stole away your thoughts when you should have been working on other things.

The story haunted you and it might even have been the reason you took up writing for the very first time. And so you wrote it... But for whatever reasons, it did not reach the potential that it could have reached. First there is a major fallacy that many writers -- even writers who have been working at it for a while -- need to get out of their system. But should she try to rework it now? What To Save There are several levels at which you can save an older story. These are just quick guidelines, and how you actually apply them will depend on your methods and the work itself. 1.

This is really just writing a new story. 2. Did those characters live in your head until you could hear them speak, see them smirk, and understand their fears? 3. 4. 5. 6. Excellent Articles on Writing Title & Description Tags | Marketi. Do you wonder what the big deal is about title and description META tags? Struggle with writing them? Think you can just shove a few keywords in and be good to go? Here are two great articles that will guide you in developing title and description tags that draw more visitors to your site.

How to Control Your Listing Text in Google’s Search Results By John Metzler The listing text in Google’s search results can easily be overlooked by some webmasters in their SEO efforts. All About Title Tags By Jill Whalen Fixing just the title tags of your pages can often generate quick and appreciable differences to your rankings. How to Create a META Description Tag – From 2004, but still amazingly relevant By Jill Whalen The keywords and phrases you use in your Meta description tag don’t affect your page’s ranking in the search engines (for the most part), but this tag can still come in handy in your overall SEO campaigns. Please share this post with your friends. 0inShare. Les mots pour le dire. Clé des procédés littéraires. Tout ce qui peut se faire dans le domaine des lettres: effet de style, "fleur de rhétorique", forme poétique, type d'argument, artifice romanesque, jeu de mot... se trouve ici; y compris le geste et le dessin accompagnant du texte.

Sur les 100 000 façons de communiquer, combien y en eut-il d'identifiées, de nommées, de Cicéron à Joyce, des védas au post-modernisme? En voici quelque 8 000, françaises pour la plupart. Elles ont été classées, comparées, dotées d'exemples. Même inconnues, elles vous sont accessibles: par les exemples, par l'index des termes de leurs définitions, par leurs circonstances d'utilisation, par leurs catégories de classement. En moins de trois choix, vous répondez à une question et elles sont à vous! Pour connaître les figures, analyser des textes, élaborer des façons d'écrire, allez à Mode d'emploi. Vous pouvez aussi faire une visite guidée Visiteurs: Accès à la Clé: Janet Fitch's 10 rules for writers | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times. Janet Fitch is the author of "White Oleander" and "Paint it Black," and she teaches writing at USC.

It seems like every time I run into her at a reading, she introduces one or two or more of her students who she has encouraged to come along, people whose work she praises. This enthusiastic engagement makes her, well, nicer than many writing teachers, and that niceness might be why she's posted a list of 10 writing tips that can help almost anyone on her blog. But the list shows that just because she's nice, she's no pushover in the classroom. The list -- intended for fiction writers but good for many of us -- is reprinted in its entirety below, with Fitch's permission. 1. Write the sentence, not just the story Long ago I got a rejection from the editor of the Santa Monica Review, Jim Krusoe. Almost a decade ago, Elmore Leonard published his 10 Rules of Writing in the New York Times (he later expanded it to a book). -- Carolyn Photo: Janet Fitch in 2006.

How to write like Orwell. Comment écrire un livre ? Cerner le sujet : Cela paraît peut-être évident, mais ne pas savoir sur quoi on va se lancer serait catastrophique. Il faut donc cerner l'époque, le personnage principal, les personnages secondaires ... Comment cerner le sujet et être sûr de ne pas s'arrêter en plein milieu de l'écriture : Pour l'époque, il faut chercher celle qui nous plaît le plus. Passé,présent ou futur. Il est indispensable de créer une fiche de mémorisation afin de respecter l'environnement de l'époque. Pour les personnages,noter les qualités et les défauts physiques(corpulent, petit, grand, mince)et moraux(caractériel, susceptible, généreux, égoîste) de chacun s'avère nécessaire, sans oublier leurs noms. Choisir le nom des personnages : Donnez un nom représentatif de leurs qualités et défauts. Formulaire pour la fiche de mémorisation : Ecrire longtemps : Attendez que vous soyez seul chez vous afin de vous isoler.

Accueil - Bien é Fifty (50!) Tools which can help you in Writing - Stepcase Lifeh. I Write Like. Red Room | Where the Writers Are. Books, Publishing, and Ideas.