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10 TED Talks That Can Change The Way You Communicate. Even the most eloquent of public and private speakers could always stand to tweak their communication skills just a little bit. After all, the ability to convey feelings and facts stands as essential to keeping the human species rolling along. Both the Internet and bookshelves sport advice a-go-go on how to get points across as clearly as possible, and the venerable open source lecture series TED does not disappoint in this regard.

Its best offerings regarding human connectivity encourage essentials not always discussed in manuals and textbooks, so give them some consideration and use them to launch more exploration into how to grow into an effective, evocative communicator. Elizabeth Lesser: Take “the Other” to lunch If communications with people on opposite sides of political, cultural, religious and other common divides so often proves extremely problematic, try Elizabeth Lesser’s simple-but-effective approach.

Related posts: Ipad resources. - Top 10 Sites for Educational Apps. TeachThought. The iPad and Your Soldiers (Top 10 Tips for Personalised Learning) It is very easy to find a list of recommended apps for general or subject specific use. However, one of the iPads greatest strengths is its ability to help personalise learning for all. The following ideas are only a snapshot of the potential of the iPad when addressing the needs of each student (soldier).

The Soldier ‘Quiet, obedient and consistent, the Soldier charges into every assignment and stops only once enough damage is done to get the desired grade. Trademark question: “What will we be graded on?” iPad Tip: Create an audio-note using Soundcloud so they can review instructions. The Heavy Weapons Guy ‘The Heavy Weapons Guy isn’t the swiftest. iPad Tip: Ask the student to create a Popplet as a plan for the assignment. The Demoman ‘Nothing can satiate the Demoman’s thirst for knowledge. iPad Tip: Ask the student to create an iMovie of the topic with photos and video evidence. The Sniper ‘Snipers excel at acing tests, but are almost nonfunctional for any other task.

The Medic The Engineer. Apps in Education. The Past, Present, And Future Of The iPad In Learning. The Idea When Apple started dropping hints about a coming “tablet PC” in 2009, it would have been difficult to see the way it might change the way we interact with digital media. The first-generation iPad was introduced in April, 2010 and in lieu of some significant hardware limitations, was a world-beater, garnering $1 billion in sales in just 4 months. The iPad 2 was released 11 months later, and the iPad 3 is currently rumored for a Spring 2012 release.

While discussing the “history” of a product less than two years old may seem a bit premature technology moves at a dizzying, humming pace. Dog years have nothing on tech years. The concept for the iPad started over a dinner. But Jobs was bothered by Microsoft’s insistence on using a stylus. And so, standing on the shoulders of smartphones and in-development tablet PCs, the iPad was conceived. Education has an odd reputation for both resisting change, and short-sightedly jumping on emerging edu-trends. The Gee Wiz Era Gee Wiz. The App Era. Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts When Flipping Your Classroom #edchat.

Produce material for YOUR students to engage them outside the classroom. Generic content works as a starting point but students have greater faith in their own teacher’s input.Decide on a workflow solution and stick to it. I use Edmodo to set assignments and annotate responses. Students are happy with this solution as it is cross platform and supports learning with library and backpack resources.Set specific deadlines for your students. If they are given a date then unfortunately that can be construed as midnight!!

The old hand-in mantra of next lesson doesn’t fit the ‘flipped‘ class idea and as such can present a problem.Provide access for students who aren’t connected to the internet at home. Whether it be provision after school or via downloaded material, there will still be issues for home learning.Write to parents to explain the new style of learning and be prepared for questions. Expect students to watch/read your material just because you tell them to. Like this: Like Loading... Creativity. How To Capture Ideas Visually With The iPad. By its very design, the iPad promotes consumption. Essentially an interactive mobile screen, the combination of physical form and supporting software-based user interface on Apple’s wunder-tablet suggests watching and listening, enabling you to tear the “monitor” off the desk and take it with you.

By lacking a keyboard, input and production aren’t quite as natural. That isn’t necessarily because the iPad can’t accommodate such input, but rather that the software–and our habits as users–haven’t completely caught up with the not-insignificant shift in interface. But it doesn’t have to be that way. One microcosm of the potential of the iPad in learning is the concept of visual recording. Visual recording is what it sounds like it’d be. But executing it in practice–and then doing something meaningful with those iPad-captured images–isn’t second-nature simply because it’s not something you do everyday. 1. 2. 3. 4. 21stCentury learning. Open Access Library. Education Reform. TED Education Talks.