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Sonómetros Archives - Contaminación acústica. Dashboard - thethings.iO - THE Internet of Things cloud solution. Dynamic Knobs Example Which Updates Value Every 3 Seconds (knob.js) Building MongoDB Into Your Internet of Things: A Tutorial. With the Internet of Things (IoT) poised to start pouring data into your organization, we thought it would be a good time to show you how you can bring that data into MongoDB so you can start analyzing it. In this article, we're going to build a simple data acquisition device, use a common IoT protocol to efficiently get its data to a server, and then we’ll show how to plug into that server and turn the acquired data into a time series document in a MongoDB collection.

More specifically we’re using a standard protocol, MQTT, for moving the data from an Arduino-based temperature sensor to a message broker and then use just over 32 lines of JavaScript to move that data into MongoDB. And we’ll show you how you can put this together yourself. For this, we are going to start with a single thing in our Internet of Things – a temperature sensor running on an Arduino micro-controller board. Don’t worry if you haven’t got one though, as we’ll show you how to simulate one in software later on. Software for sound level / decibel data logging. I managed to sort a recording meter .... ... 20a25bdfd0 It has a USB connection and Windows software.

Logs about 2000 readings. So I let it run and sniffed the USB connection. Got enough info to know how to make it start regurgitating and prompt it to keep going until memory was all done. Problem was I didn't get the commands to start/stop recording, clear memory, set parameters or any of that. I have a mate in the noise business who lent me a VERY expensive Class 1 certified meter. Index. Our senior design project is a device that measures sound pressure level (SPL). SPL is a measure of air pressure change caused by a sound wave. SPL is measured in decibels and is calculated by the following equation, where px is the pressure level and pref is 20 µPa.

The motivation behind this project is that hearing loss becomes a concern in the presence of large SPLs for extended periods of time. The main goals for the design were to be accurate over a wide dynamic range (very quiet and very loud sounds), portable (battery powered), inexpensive, and easy to use. For our design we chose to use the Silicon Labs C8051F320 microcontroller. This chip features a 10-bit ADC, so our goal in the design of the analog front-end was to maintain an SNR of about 60 dB.

We also aim to be able to measure sound pressure levels of up to 120 dB SPL. Figure 1 - Block Diagram I. Microphone and ADC The first part of the signal chain is the microphone itself. Second Preamp Stage (Programmable Gain Amplifier) Davide Gironi: A simple Sound Pressure Level Meter (SPL) dB audio meter using AVR ATmega. Updated to version 02. What is proposed here is a SPL db meter using and AVR Atmega micro. A sound level meter or sound meter is an instrument which measures sound pressure level.

Sound pressure level (SPL) or sound level is a logarithmic measure of the effective sound pressure of a sound relative to a reference value. It is measured in decibels (dB) above a standard reference level. The commonly used reference sound pressure in air is = 20 µPa (rms) which is usually considered the threshold of human hearing. SPL level is defined as given p_rms as the sound pressure measured, and p_ref as the reference sound pressure. Once we have got the RMS value of the signal (actualRMS), we can transform it to SPLdb using this formula: given refRMS as the reference RMS value for the input board at a know refSPLdb SPLdb level.

To compute SPL measurements, the meters loop is: A matlab script to check this filter method is used. An SPL meter also needs the signal to be time-weighted. Interact With the Web in Real-time Using Arduino, Firebase and Angular.js — Code Zen. Interact With the Web in Real-time Using Arduino, Firebase and Angular.js This simple project is meant to be a hybrid introduction to connecting and manipulating data over the internet with Arduino, Node, Angular and Firebase. UPDATE: Check out @Moycs777 terrific web app based on this example hosted on Firebase. COMMENTS: Please do contribute with your comments. I’d like to know how you like (or don’t like) it. The Internet of Things is nothing new. To be able to connect to the internet, make sense of its data and interact with the users, these things need tiny computers aka micro controllers to make them conscious. What we are building We are going to connect an Arduino board to the internet and change the RGB color property on a web page in real-time by rotating a potentiometer.

What we need: Arduino UnoA-B USB cablePotentiometer (aka pot)RGB LED330 Ohms resistors x 310 KOhms resistor x 1Male-to-male jumper wires x 9 All the codes can be downloaded from my repo or cloned using git: pot.js. Embedding Angular in the physical world. How to prototype your $3.2 billion dollar business on Angular in 20 minutes Today’s article is based upon the ngConf talk presented January 2014. See the video at the end of this article We’re flexing our imagination and extending the reach of our Angular application deep into hardware. In this post, we’re going to be looking at C++ code, the built-in language we need to use to program the Arduino.

Although we will discuss how each component is built in C++, this article is not a C++ tutorial. We’re using a fantastic open-source hardware platform: the Arduino. In essence, the Arduino is the ultimate prototyping hardware interface. The source code for this project is available in its entirety on GitHub at Why not a plug computer or the Raspberry Pi?

Although the Raspberry Pi and other small form-factor computers are incredible tiny computers, oftentimes, their power is too much for an embedded application. Understanding hardware What we’re building Video. Cosm alternatives to record sensor measurements. By mvuilleu, in Reviews and Measures, may 22,2013. A few days ago, our beloved Cosm Beta service that we used to recommend for real-time graphs from your Yoctopuce sensors, has changed its usage terms. Renamed Xively, the web site is now focusing on revenue-generating services. Unfortunately, some essential features that we have been using, such as the ability to choose the display time range on a graph, have disappeared. It is therefore time to look for alternatives to Cosm... The main alternatives to Cosm are currently: - ThingSpeak- ThingSpeak ThingSpeak seems to be currently the closest match to what Cosm was doing so far.

Unlike Cosm which was officially a Beta program, ThingSpeak intends to stay a free service. Second significant limit: the service only allows for 8 parallel measurements per data channel. We provide step-by-step instructions to connect your VirtualHub to ThingSpeak in the 2nd part of this article. And the others... 1. 2. Freeboard - Dashboards For the Internet Of Things. Zetta - An API-First Internet of Things (IoT) Platform - Free and Open Source Software. Chart.js | Open source HTML5 Charts for your website. jQuery Knob demo. Currentcost « knolleary. I spoke at Homecamp recently about how an ambient orb could be used to monitor home energy usage. I’ve finally gotten around to putting some of it into practice so thought I would share some of the details of the setup as well as some more of my thoughts on the subject. There are three key pieces of hardware in use.

The Viglen MPC-L is the heart of the system. As I’ve mentioned previously, this is a low powered linux box running Ubuntu. The MPC is running a Really Small Message Broker (RSMB). Another piece of perl (““) is subscribed to the house/orb topic. The sketch on the arduino currently listens on its serial port for commands that are then passed to the BlinkM in the orb.

So far I have described how the orb is controlled and how the power data gets into the system. is subscribed to the home/cc/power topic so it receives all of the updates from the CurrentCost. That is pretty much it – simple eh? There are two key philosophies that come into play here: Publishing Realtime Location with the Android MapBox API - PubNub.

We left off by building our realtime Android location data broadcaster that detects and streams location data. But where are we going to broadcast that to? What are we going to do with it? Let’s visualize those location changes on a live-updating map. In this blog post, we’ll be using PubNub to create a simple, location sharing and viewing application for Android. You’ll need the full source code for this tutorial, as well as our broadcaster and MapBox API tutorial, so click here to download the all the files. Let’s get right into it! Getting Started The first thing we will do is get our working environment set up. Setting Up PubNub Libraries For Android These steps are pretty simple. The second step is to add the libraries to your project. {the cloned git directory called java}/android/Pubnub-Android-x.y.z.jar{the cloned git directory called java}/java/libs/bcprov-jdk15on-x.yz.jaz If you need a step by step explanation for eclipse, you can check out this link.

Setting Up MapBox For Android. XivelyJS - Xively Javascript Library - Pete Correia. All you need to interact with Xively lightweight~ 2kb gzipped completewith all API methods extendedmethods for ease of use Download Include the file // Include after jQuery (required) <script src=" Sample usage xively.setKey( "YOUR_KEY_HERE" ); // Set your API key first xively.setKey( "YOUR_KEY_HERE" ); xively.feed.get( "504", function( data ) { console.log( data.title ); }); // Get feed content xively.feed.get( "504", function( data ) { console.log( data.title ); // Logs the feed title }); xively.datastream.subscribe( "61916", "sine60", function( event, data ) { console.log( data.current_value ); }); // Get realtime updates on a datastream xively.datastream.subscribe( "61916", "sine60", function( event, data ) { console.log( data.current_value ); // Logs value changes in realtime }); jQuery Plugin Quick Demo.

Thinkbig Lab. Build Realtime Apps & Take Websockets To The Next Level | PubNub.