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Introverts and Extroverts. Quiet Quiz: Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert? QUIZ: Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert? (And Why It Matters) Susan Cain: The power of introverts. Portrait of an Introvert. People don’t outgrow introversion, so the introverted adult was once an introverted child.

Portrait of an Introvert

What is true of one is true of both. Contrary to popular opinion, introverts are not asocial, nor are they friendless loners who lack social skills. They simply have different social needs and preferences. Friendships. Quiet, Please: Unleashing 'The Power Of Introverts' Introverts, who prefer quieter, lower-stimulation environments, have trouble thriving in today's extrovert-oriented culture, says author Susan Cain.

Quiet, Please: Unleashing 'The Power Of Introverts' hide caption toggle caption From Gandhi to Joe DiMaggio to Mother Teresa to Bill Gates, introverts have done a lot of good work in the world. But being quiet, introverted or shy was sometimes looked at as a problem to overcome. In the 1940s and '50s the message to most Americans was: Don't be shy.