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Q&A About the Reptilian Anunnaki. Knowing that there are a lot of people willing to learn more about this reptilian species, I have decided to publish the important parts of one of my email replays dealing with this subject. 1.

Q&A About the Reptilian Anunnaki

I suggest it is not possible for Alalu to get scared by a snake (when he first landed on Earth). I suppose a reptile would recognize another reptile. 2. Evidence of Revision (The Assassination of America) Evidence of Revision is a six part documentary containing historical, original news footage revealing that the most seminal events in recent American history have been deeply and purposefully misrepresented to the public.

Evidence of Revision (The Assassination of America)

Footage and interviews provide an in-depth exploration of events ranging from the Kennedy assassinations to the Jonestown massacre, and all that lies between. The footprints left in this archival footage reveal the coordinated, clandestine sculpting of the America we know today. Evidence of Revision proves once and for all that history has been revised even as it was written! Part 1: The Assassinations of Kennedy and Oswald Part2: The why of it all referenced to Vietnam and LBJ Part 3: LBJ, Hoover and others: what so few know even today Part 4: The RFK assassination as never seen before Part 5: RFK assassination, MKULTRA and the Jonestown massacre Part 6: The assassination of Martin Luther King 6 part, 3 DVD set.

Magazine: A look at life and human culture from different angles. Free Audio - Manifesting Results. 7 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 7 Pin It Share 0 Google+ 0 StumbleUpon 0 7 Flares ×

Free Audio - Manifesting Results

Enlightening Consciousness Binaural Beats. Main Page - PESWiki. Iso-Tones - Home. Osprey Music. Download OspreyMusic Binaural Beats: Go from 12 hz down to low delta with mental alert spike up to lucid dreaming.

Osprey Music

Binaural beats or binaural tones are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, the perception of which arises in the brain for specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone: for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in the other, then the binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz.

The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject's ears, using stereo headphones. Unexplainable Frequencies® - Frequency Sessions With Subliminal and Voice Affirmations. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds Movie. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 2 - The Spiral. Drugged-Up America. Free Software Downloads and Software Reviews. Freeware Solfeggio Mixer Software. This standalone application (no installation needed) allows you to generate the purest of frequencies using your PC.

The Shakti Helmet. The Shakti Helmet by Scott Miller As I prepare to write this, I set the portable CD player at my feet, insert the specially created CD, and unwind the six feet of wire, one end of which gets plugged in to the headphone jack of the player. The other end I connect to an odd looking, duct tape covered bicycle helmet. Mankind in Amnesia. Mankind in Amnesia, book cover Immanuel Velikovsky bibliography Mankind in Amnesia is a book (1982)[1] by Immanuel Velikovsky described by Lynn E.

Rose as follows: New World War: Home Page. Solar Roots Blog. [ DOWNLOAD/Share while it's available ~ A free 60-min chakra "Kundalini Awakening" track utilizing binaural frequencies that are specifically mixed/tuned for headphone listening: ] ~ The Seven Human Energy Chakras ~ According to the tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, the human body has seven “force centers” or energy focal points that are used for the reception and transmission of energies.

Solar Roots Blog

These are known as chakras. Unisonic Ascension - Beyond Meditation. Binaural Beats, The Sacred Solfeggio, and The Algorithms of Organic Life Systems. Binaural Beats: The Secret to Manifestation free download for iPhone & iPad. Neurosoup: Entheogens, Drugs, Consciousness Exploration, Spirituality. Dr. Colin Ross MD speaks about CIA Mind Control 2009. Dead Men's Secrets - Forbidden Archeology by George Gordon. Archaeology Answers About Ancient Civilizations Indus River Valley, Ancient Maps of the World, Ancient India Civilizations, Ancient China Civilization, Strange Pictures, Dead Men's Secrets, Lost Technology, and more...

Subliminal God. Induce altered states of consciousness. Contact Reports. Heathen Mythology. Dark Heart. Software: The papers listed below come with a suite of Mac XCode applications with full source code, and additional Matlab files.

Dark Heart

The most up-to-date downloadable releases of the major XCode applications, which have been tested for Tiger, Snow Leopard and Lion are as follows: NOTE: Dark Heart and Riemann Zeta Viewers are now bundled together!! Riemann Zeta Viewer Latest Version 1.7.1 with Mellin transform smoothing: Application - Source - RZ Flight Manual Includes movie generation, c-scripting, and many types of abstract L-function. Dhushara. Contact. Dr. Karla Turner MURDERED for Exposing Alien Greys. Dr. Karla Turner. Dr. Karla Turner [back] MILAB [Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancers (see: Disease)] Articles.

Home - For a number of years, I have been researching a variety of unusual topics.

Home -

I have documented my work in a series of original research exhibits which present factual materials most people have never seen. Much of this factual data logically leads to the creation of certain inferences and tentative conclusions that are based on a holistic view of the data but which cannot be independently proven. The following introduction to my website is designed to present a "bird's eye view" of my findings and is therefore necessarily partly speculative. However, it is firmly grounded in hard data which is publicly available, and much of which is presented in articles and exhibits throughout this site. The situation as best as I can determine Sometime during the early or mid-twentieth century, scientists working for the military industrial complex perfected an application of neurotechnology that allowed the encoding and decoding of human brain activity.

Source: Jeremy Radlow. About this website Download. The Awakening (Full Movie)