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Bloom's revised Taxonomy with verbs! | APRENDIZ... Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Top Visualizations of Bloom's Taxonomies. VisualBlooms - home. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: New Version of Blooms Taxonomy for iPad. Home. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 8 Wonderful Blooms Taxonomy Posters for Teachers.

Today's selection features some of the most popular Blooms Taxonomy visuals I have shared this year. None of these visuals is my own creation so make sure you contact their own owners for re-use. Enjoy 1- Bloom's Revised Taxonomy of Learning from Anethicalisland 2- This one is from iLearntechnology 4- Another Bloom's Taxonomy wheel but this time from Electric Educator 5- This one here is from iLearntechnology 6- Another beautiful visual from iLearntechnology 7- Another one from iLearntechnology. Connectivism. Cone_of_Learning.jpg (JPEG Image, 417 × 317 pixels)