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La rupture Internet. Médias sociaux, services Web et astuces. Manager une communauté. WordPress Francophone. Kelblog. Presse-citron - Le blog geek et high-tech de référence (méfiez-vous des imitations !) Bloc-Notes de Bertrand Duperrin. Innovation 2.0 - table ronde - web 3.0: l'internet des objets - PARIS 2.0, TABLE RONDE DU 23 SEPTEMBRE 2009 A 10h00 : LES SERVICES DE L'INTERNET 3.0 WEB 3.0 : L'INTERNET DES OBJETS QUI VA CONNECTER LES FLUX D'INFORMATION A NOS IDENTITEES REELES POUR FAVORISER NOS ECHANGES. Pour répondre à l'invitation à participer à ce tournage, veuillez sélectionner l'option appropriée ci-dessous.

I confirm my response, and also send a word to the organizers: Below, I explain my motivation to the organizers: You have no friends that are available to join this webcast. You are a lecturer, journalist, blogger, speaker and you need the source video file? Fee: 1800€ Video file command Fee: 1980€ In the first two cases be careful: you can purchase the file for a single use (for archiving, integration of excerpts in a film company, integrating on your blog in a format and / or another player that you selected): you can not then claim as a commercial file: please read terms and conditions prior to purchase that will appear below.

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Si vous ne souhaitez pas que nos partenaires et nous–mêmes utilisions des cookies et vos données personnelles pour ces motifs supplémentaires, cliquez sur Refuser tout. Korben - Actualité informatique high tech et geek. LeWeb. Apple's 'Mac vs. PC' Ad Campaign: All 4 Years and 66 Commercials. Steve Jobs could sell. He did it in person, he did it on stage, and he did it on television—in the form of advertising campaigns that were often the envy of the business. Among the most beloved was the long-running "Get a Mac" series with John Hodgman and Justin Long as the bumbling PC and the hip, unflappable Mac—an odd couple who would entertain viewers for years with their quips, barbs, sight gags, and one-liners. In 2010, Adweek declared "Get a Mac" to be the best advertising campaign of the first decade of the new century. Below are all 66 TV spots (plus the long version of 2008's "Sad Song") that aired during the campaign's run, from May 2006 to October 2009.

All 66 ads were directed by Phil Morrison of Epoch Films for TBWA Media Arts Lab.