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Storytelling Tools

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StoryCubes. Odyssey.js. Inklewriter. Storyspace 3: Space and Time, more from the Map view – The Eclectic Light Company. Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator. Storyspace and hypertext: index to articles – The Eclectic Light Company.

This is a revised index to articles and tutorials posted here about Storyspace 3 and hypertext, and is updated when further articles are posted.

Storyspace and hypertext: index to articles – The Eclectic Light Company

Storyspace Reader Download from Eastgate Systems or here (with free document on the Fall of Icarus). Hypertext for almost allStoryspace 3.2 and Storyspace Reader for OS X includes a downloadable example hypertext document complete with the Storyspace Reader app, for Macs running OS X Yosemite or El CapitanStoryspace Reader: a tutorial, 1 – basic use and navigationStoryspace Reader: a tutorial, 2 – views and customisationStoryspace Reader: a tutorial, 3 – advanced navigation Storyspace Tutorials Purchase and download from Eastgate Systems. In the index of topics below, these are numbered in sequence from 1 onwards. Index of Topics Covered. Storehouse Storytelling App Gets Embeds And Improved Community Building Tools. Storehouse, an app for iPad that functions as a story creation tool with images, video and text, is getting a nice update today.

Storehouse Storytelling App Gets Embeds And Improved Community Building Tools

The update brings the ability to embed stories in blogs and on the web, as well as comments and an easy way to find Storehouse users on Twitter and Facebook. I spoke to co-founder Mark Kawano about the new release and some of the rationale for introducing embeds as the first big new feature — and why it took so long to add any social elements. The embeds, which work like the below, are gorgeous. Kawano says that they spent a lot of time thinking about how to present stories in an enticing way, while still honoring flexible layouts. How Copywriting Can Benefit From User Research — Smashing Magazine. I’ve often heard there are four stages along the road to competence: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence.

How Copywriting Can Benefit From User Research — Smashing Magazine

Most of us begin our careers “unconsciously incompetent,” or unaware of how much we don’t know. I’ll never forget the first time I moved from unconscious to conscious incompetence. I was working as an office manager at a small software company, and having been impressed by my writing skills, the director of sales and marketing asked me to throw together a press release, welcoming the new CEO. At the age of 23 I was a more than competent writer. HOW TO: Self Publish Your Book with Amazon's CreateSpace. Yuli Ziv is the founder & CEO of Style Coalition, a network of top fashion and beauty bloggers in partnership with ELLE.

HOW TO: Self Publish Your Book with Amazon's CreateSpace

Her first self-published book in the Fashion 2.0 series Blogging Your Way to The Front Row: The Insider's Guide to Turning Your Fashion Blog into a Profitable Business and Launching a New Career is now available on Follow her on Twitter @yuliz. It’s been six years since Amazon acquired CreateSpace, an on-demand publishing platform, and almost four years since they announced the free online setup for self-publishing. While four years seems like a long time in our fast-paced world, self-publishing still hasn’t reached the mass audience.

Even the biggest social media gurus still take the traditional route, only choosing to self-publish when they've been rejected by mainstream publishing houses. MyAlbum lets you create visual stories packed with data. Storytelling is an art — and if the growing number of apps dedicated to it is any indication — many people harbor artistic aspirations.

MyAlbum lets you create visual stories packed with data

That’s the impetus behind MyAlbum, a new Web app that helps people create visual stories with their photos and videos. MyAlbums aren’t just any old photos lined up with explanatory text, but rather platforms from which you can construct a visual presentation with genuine data and original design elements. Add insights to your story like the weather or tourist information. StoryBuilder for iPad. Story Dice - creative picture dice for plot, character, and setting ideas, Fun for actors, writers, and friends!

Story Dice is a creative tool to prompt ideas for plot, character, and setting.

Story Dice - creative picture dice for plot, character, and setting ideas, Fun for actors, writers, and friends!

This idea generator can be used effectively for both written and oral storytelling. This app can be used with a wide variety of age groups ranging from preschoolers to teenagers. The user interface is simple enough for ages 3+ to use without any additional instruction. The use of the app doesn’t require reading, so it’s an ideal tool for using in a preschool story circle (see lesson plans) as well as a general writing prompt for all ages without reading or native language barriers. This app is available on the iTunes Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

“What we like to do, is take turns, each of us telling a story that uses all of those elements. “My favorite thing about Thinkamingo’s Story Dice app is how easy it is to use. Storyrobe. VoiceThread. StoryKit. Contently: Tell Great Stories. Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink. Papyrusly Short Stories. Scriffon. Protagonize: Collaborative creative writing community - fiction, poetry, stories, and great reading! The Group Storytelling Game. Penflip - a social writing platform. Slides. Rory's Story Cubes.

Steller Brings Pro Design Sensibility to Easy Storytelling App. One way imaging apps differentiate themselves is how they segment and target their audience.

Steller Brings Pro Design Sensibility to Easy Storytelling App

Steller Brings Pro Design Sensibility to Easy Storytelling App. iSpy: The CIA Campaign to Steal Apple's Secrets. RESEARCHERS WORKING with the Central Intelligence Agency have conducted a multi-year, sustained effort to break the security of Apple’s iPhones and iPads, according to top-secret documents obtained by The Intercept.

iSpy: The CIA Campaign to Steal Apple's Secrets

The security researchers presented their latest tactics and achievements at a secret annual gathering, called the “Jamboree,” where attendees discussed strategies for exploiting security flaws in household and commercial electronics. The conferences have spanned nearly a decade, with the first CIA-sponsored meeting taking place a year before the first iPhone was released.

By targeting essential security keys used to encrypt data stored on Apple’s devices, the researchers have sought to thwart the company’s attempts to provide mobile security to hundreds of millions of Apple customers across the globe. The CIA declined to comment for this story. The modified version of Xcode, the researchers claimed, could enable spies to steal passwords and grab messages on infected devices. DESIGNER LUKE BEARD ON CREATING THE PUREST STORYTELLING PLATFORM. Building your own ideas is high on most of our lists, but rarely do many of us take them on and evolve them into something useful or with longevity.


When matched with a problem, Luke Beard took a hobby, paired it with his risky travel plans and a new mindset of creative work colleges, and created what I would class as one of the purest platforms for storytellers to use, As simple as putting pen to paper, they have created a platform where anyone can showcase photos with narrative text and create a sleek story with no hassle other then a simple drag and drop – free to share and stand with other great tales from around the world. Not only is the business he created interesting, so is his journey, from leaving the UK to living in San Francisco and the company he works within. Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink. Online Marketing made easy. Social Posters — Checkthis. Reedsy. Storehouse: Your stories, as they happen. Prss. Publish your data online.

Creatavist. Scapple. Scrivener Software. Record & Share your Ideas. Collaborative storytelling. Scriffon. Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator. 100 Digital Storytelling Tools for Your Digital Selves + Natives, Part 1. By Ozge Karaoglu.

100 Digital Storytelling Tools for Your Digital Selves + Natives, Part 1

Protagonize: Collaborative creative writing community - fiction, poetry, stories, and great reading! Storehouse: visual storytelling. Parade. Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories.
