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TCEA 2013 Convention & Exposition. IU Education - The PBL Academy: Login to the site.


Projects. Why I love project-based learning. I love project-based learning. Why? Because my students do. Some of my favourite projects are the Biology 30 projects due at semester’s end. These aren’t the only projects we create throughout the semester; we also create a number of digital products too. However, these tend to be the most intricate and hands on. For the past week, my students have been sharing their projects. The topic for this particular project was body systems. One of my students created a Monopoly-type boardgame based on the nervous system.

Each of the different properties represented a different aspect of the nervous system. But the best part of his presentation, to me, was when he stated, “I really enjoyed doing this. Another student researched and created a model of the knee. A third student created two cakes — each depicted the brain. Powerful. This particular student chose this topic because her family has been deeply and painfully affected by depression.

We also learned about hip replacements. Like this: Index to Group Activities, Games, Exercises & Initiatives.