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Everyone Should Live In China At Least Once. Preferably, when you’re young and resilient, so you can handle the pollution. Living in the pollution will make you question how so many people can live like this, to have days where you can’t see the sun because of the smog. Living in the pollution will make you have a greater appreciation for the environment, and perhaps, to be more active in conserving it. Live in China, and be surrounded by the 1.4 billion people that inhabit the country. Surprisingly enough, there will be moments where you feel completely and utterly alone. You will learn the power of human interaction, and you will learn to appreciate your friends and family more. You might become more shameless, and be more prone to striking up conversations with strangers. Go and live in China, for the sake of wholly immersing yourself in a culture where the language is completely different, where people are glued to their cellphones and iPads, where most people grew up without a sibling.

Jason deCaires Taylor: An underwater art museum, teeming with life. Cuchikind - DIY-Kids-Lifestyle. Tara, Goddess of Peace and Protection. Goddess Tara is probably the oldest goddess who is still worshipped extensively in modern times. Tara originated as a Hindu goddess, a Great Goddess -- the Mother Creator, representing the eternal life force that fuels all life. There are many embodiments of Tara, but the best known are the White Tara and the Green Tara. The peaceful, compassionate White Tara gently protects and brings long life and peace. The more dynamic goddess, Green Tara is the "Mother Earth", and a fierce goddess who overcomes obstacles, and saves us from physical and spiritual danger. In Sanskrit, the name Tara means Star, but she was also called She Who Brings Forth Life, The Great Compassionate Mother, and The Embodiment of Wisdom, and the Great Protectress. Adopted by Buddhism, she become the most widely revered deity in the Tibetan pantheon.

The oldest reference to the goddess Tara, perhaps, is found in an ancient saga of Finland thought to be 5 thousand years old. The Celts called their Great Goddess Tara. Tara. …Avalokiteshvara was looking down from his heaven on the world of suffering beings, and he wept to see that more and more of them were in pain no matter how many he delivered. From the tears streaming down his face two Taras were born, a peaceful white one from the left and a fierce green one from the right. As the quintessence of the miraculous activities of all Buddhas, they gave him courage not to give up striving in his impossible task. 1 Tara, the Saviouress, is one of the most beloved Goddesses in Buddhism. Images often show her as a charming youthful girl of about sixteen years of age, but do not be deceived. She is an ageless Goddess who embodies Perfect Wisdom. Tara [Dolma in Tibetan] means "She Who Saves," "she who leads across," or "star.

" White Tara and Green Tara are two of her more popular manifestations and those who come to know them view both with great affection. Tara has the knowledge and wisdom that not only lead to enlightenment but also free us. Tara and Kuan Yin. White Tara - RigDzin Dharma Foundation. 2toneP.nut. Moss Graffiti: The Coolest DIY Project Ever. Contemporary artists have discovered that street art is not only beautiful to look at, but that it can also be soft and smooth to the touch. Moss graffiti is eco-friendly as it doesn’t use any aerosols; what the “painting” needs is just a dash of water to thrive. Here is a recipe for how to make your own moss graffiti.

Just bear in mind that choosing the right space for street art is very important too, as, in any case, vandalism is a crime. Show Full Text To get started you’ll need: 3 cups of moss (washed, clean of soil) 2 cups of buttermilk or 2 cups of yogurt (should be plain yogurt) 2 cups of water or beer 1/2 tsp of sugar corn syrup (optional) a blender that you probably don’t want to use other than for this More info: wikihow Thanks for sharing! 3x per week 30,000,000+ monthly readers Error sending email Image credits: wikihow Image credits: webponce (artist Anna Garforth) Image credits: Edina Tokodi Image credits: Jaime Rojo (artist Hugo Rojas) Image credits: Anna Garforth.

Découvrez les incroyables propriétés du sable cinétique. Le sable cinétique est un matériau composé à 98% de sable naturel auquel on a ajouté des additifs lui donnant une malléabilité proche des propriétés de la pâte à modeler. Une invention qui a du potentiel ! Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter Des bacs à sable aux pâtés sur la plage, le sable a toujours eu un aspect ludique évident, et il reste l'un des "jouets" favoris de nombreux enfants à travers le monde.

Reste que les possibilités de jeu sont tout de même limitées avec le sable naturel... Pas de problème, un fabricant a trouvé la solution avec une étonnante invention : le sable cinétique. Plus malléable et plus ludique, le sable cinétique est un nouveau matériau composé à 98% de sable nature auquel on a ajouté quelques d'additifs. Des propriétés étonnantes, qui donnent vraiment envie de le manipuler. New transparent solar cells can be used on windows, smartphone screens. New transparent solar cells can be used on windows, smartphone screens Bec Crew Thursday, 21 August 2014 This new type of transparent solar cell can be used to cover windows, buildings or smartphone screens to produce solar energy.

Named a transparent luminescent solar concentrator and developed by researchers in Michigan State University in the US, this material can be used to cover anything that has a flat, clear surface. Transparent solar cell technology has been attempted before, but the energy the cells produced was poor and the materials they were made out of were highly coloured. "No one wants to sit behind coloured glass,” said one of the researchers behind the technology, chemical engineer Richard Lunt, in a press release. The new transparent solar cells are made from tiny organic molecules that absorb invisible wavelengths of sunlight such as ultraviolet and near infrared light. Not only are they transparent, these solar cells are also flexible. Debatte Narzissmus und Langeweile: Kreislauf des ewigen Blödsinns -

Debatte Narzissmus und Langeweile Wir dürfen nicht zugeben, dass wir gelangweilt sind. Wir müssen immer etwas tun. Immer immer immer. Tippen, klicken, chatten, joggen, trinken. So gelangweilt, dass man taub und stumm wird. Bild: prokop / Ich muss euch etwas gestehen. Es gibt keinen langweiligeren Gedanken – ich komme später noch einmal darauf zurück. Wovon ich gelangweilt bin? Es tut mir leid, aber es ist wahr: Das alles langweilt mich so sehr, dass ich taub und stumm werde. Unsere Gesellschaft belohnt Narzissmus und nicht Individualismus. Je mehr wir tun Gelangweilt zu sein bedeutet nicht, gleichgültig zu sein. Es erschöpft uns, dieses Spiel, in dem wir das begehren, was alle begehren. Mit Erzkonservativen, die auf die Straße gehen, begann in den USA der Aufstieg einer rechten Bewegung. Ah, sagt ihr. Die Blödsinnsmaschine – das ist die Arbeit, die wir tun, um ein Leben zu leben, das wir nicht brauchen oder wollen. Alles ist jetzt Arbeit.

Alles, was das Leben wertvoll macht. What's Happening In This Plate Is Totally Unreal. 10 Tree Roots Winning Their Battle Against Concrete. Mankind’s relationship with nature is a difficult one – we must use it, live in harmony with it, protect it and protect ourselves from it. These visually striking images that we collected of tree roots colliding with concrete are beautiful symbolic representations of this complicated relationship. It’s hard to say what it is exactly about tree roots that capture our imagination, but they have done so for thousands of years. They snake through many world cultures’ folk-tales and legends and take root in our symbolic vocabulary. The slow but sure force with which they crush and overcome concrete (and sometimes even steel) inspires visions of a natural reclamation of the civilized world, and their serpentine forms inspire visions of rivers and lightning.

Whatever these photos make you think of, we hope you love them as much as we do! Image credits: worldbeyondyourown Image credits: Wei-Feng Xue Image credits: jakeinator21 Image credits: Horst Kiechle Image credits: Horst Kiechle. Gallery & Inspiration | Picture - 612625. The simple image sharer. 40 Of The Most Powerful Social Issue Ads That'll Make You Stop And Think. Many people complain about advertisements as an obnoxious way for companies to invade our everyday lives and cram their products down our throats, but that’s not all that advertisements are good for. The advertisements on this list are excellent examples of effective advertising strategies for social issue campaigns that let their voices be heard. A well-made advertisement is designed to grab your attention and to remain in your memory long after you’ve left it behind, and that is exactly what many of these social causes need. Getting people to think and worry about various social and environmental issues (or even simply getting them to be aware of them) is important for raising public supporting and affecting meaningful changes.

A few of these ads are, in fact, commercial ads, but it’s still nice that they champion socially or environmentally aware causes/products. Just like with commercial advertisements, having just the facts is not enough. Stop The Violence: Don’t Drink And Drive. CNA - Speaking Exchange. “Das radikalste Haus, das ich je gebaut habe!” – House of the Infinite | Interview. Welcome julia and how to make a repeat pattern.

Hello hello. thank you Grace for having me this week! I am very excited to be here. Besides introducing you to some cool artists, giving sneak peeks and before and afters of some friends homes, and sharing my favorite new product finds, I thought it would be nice to share some of the things I have learned along the way of being a illustrator/pattern designer. One of the questions I frequently get emailed is -how do you make a repeat pattern? I thought it would be fun today to do a little tutorial showing you how simple it is even with a very complex drawing. And you don’t even need a computer!

(I usually do my repeats on the computer but today I’m doing it the way I was first taught.) On a clean piece of paper draw a design in the middle of your paper without letting any of the drawing touch the edges- this is very important. Once you finish the middle space as much as you want you are going to cut your drawing in half- scary I know- but that’s why computers are helpful. Www. miyokoshida .com. Cosas cool. Myampgoesto11: Mircea Cantor: Epic Fountain, 201224 k gold plated safety pins314 cm high x 21 cm largeMy Amp Goes To 11: Twitter | Instagram Added at 3:38pm — 1,072 notes "Inter-acciones" by Dionisio Gonzalez. Lotta Agaton. Fullerene.

Rotierende Struktur von C60 Netzwerk des C60-Fullerens Geschichte[Bearbeiten] Die erste Veröffentlichung zu Fullerenen erfolgte bereits im Jahr 1970 von dem japanischen Chemiker Eiji Ōsawa, der ihre Existenz theoretisch vorhersagte und berechnete.[1][2][3][4] Diese und folgende seiner Publikationen veröffentlichte er in japanischer Sprache, weswegen erst die 15 Jahre später am 14. November 1985 in der Zeitschrift Nature[5] erschienene Publikation der Forscher Robert F. Curl jr. (USA), Sir Harold W.

Kroto (England) und Richard E. Vor diesen Veröffentlichungen zu Fullerenen gab es einige zu „Hohlmolekülen“, beispielsweise einen Artikel von David Jones im New Scientist 1966, nachgedruckt auch im Buch „Zittergas und schräges Wasser“ (S. 27 f.), mit Rechnungen zur Stabilität von Hohlmolekülen, wobei die damals größten bekannten Moleküle nur Dodekaeder-Form hatten, also nur 20 Atome enthielten. Name[Bearbeiten] Herstellung[Bearbeiten] Eigenschaften[Bearbeiten] [60]Fulleren in kristalliner Form. NOWNESS. It's Nice That : Home.

I like it. what is it? Flavorwire. Catchtag.