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Hawad, Poète et Peintre Touareg - Accueil. Dotremont, poète de l’écriture. [...] pour que l’écriture soit manifestée dans sa vérité (et non dans son instrumentalité), il faut qu’elle soit illisible : le sémiographe (Masson) produit sciemment, par une élaboration souveraine, de l’illisible : il détache la pulsion d’écriture de l’imaginaire de la communication (de la lisibilité).

Dotremont, poète de l’écriture

C’est ce que veut aussi le Texte. 1 « Sémiographie d’André Masson », catalogue d’une exposition Masson à la galerie Jacques Davidson à (...) Roland Barthes1 2 Dotremont (Ch.), Œuvres poétiques complètes, édition établie et annotée par Michel Sicard, Paris, M (...) 1Dotremont à ses débuts est surréaliste ; c’est son monde ambiant, son histoire. 2Le grand poème qui marque son entrée en surréalité, c’est Ancienne éternité, publié en 1940. 3À l’époque, on s’intéresse plutôt au monologue intérieur. 4Ancienne éternité aligne ainsi de petits dialogues, avec l’Autre, avec Soi, avec un Grand Interlocuteur (métaphysique), un petit inquisiteur, un ami, un frère, une sœur, une enfant...

Works in the William Blake Archive. Stéphane MALLARMÉ, film réalisé par Éric Rohmer (1966, 27min) Andre Amador's Playa Paintings are Sandy Works of Art. If you live in San Francisco, California, then you may be lucky enough to come across the art of Andres Amador.

Andre Amador's Playa Paintings are Sandy Works of Art

He doesn't paint or sculpt. He prefers a medium that is temporary but absolutely beautiful: a sandy beach at low tide. He uses a rake to create works of art that can be bigger than 100,000 sq. ft. He spends hours creating these intricate masterpieces, knowing that the tide will soon come in and wash away his work forever. For Andres, his art is "more about the process and less about the result. " He knows that it will all be temporary. While making his beach mural explorations, he uses a rope as a guide so that he can make the geometric patterns. When asked WHY he does it, Andre gives the best answer... "The unanswerable question! Consider yourself lucky if you happen to stumble across one of his playa paintings, because it won't be there long. By raking up the wet sand at low tide, he is able to make contrasting sand colors. He even offers his services, helping people propose.

Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot. Burnt Norton Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future And time future contained in time past.

Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot

If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable. What might have been is an abstraction Remaining a perpetual possibility Only in a world of speculation. What might have been and what has been Point to one end, which is always present. Footfalls echo in the memory Down the passage which we did not take Towards the door we never opened Into the rose-garden. Garlic and sapphires in the mud Clot the bedded axle-tree. At the still point of the turning world. Here is a place of disaffection Time before and time after In a dim light: neither daylight Investing form with lucid stillness Turning shadow into transient beauty Wtih slow rotation suggesting permanence Nor darkness to purify the soul Emptying the sensual with deprivation Cleansing affection from the temporal. Time and the bell have buried the day, the black cloud carries the sun away. East Coker.