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Illustration Friday. How to improve your drawing. Heads. It's important that you take the time to walk through and complete the Understanding 3D Form tutorial before you're ready to take this next step. Anyone who thinks they are beyond the basics presented there is kidding themselves, myself included. No matter how good you may be, if you don’t get the basics it will come back to bite you. Step 1. This is the biggy. This step dictates the entire head drawing, and or pose for that matter if you are attaching an entire body to this.

The centerline of the face is derived from our cross section. With a minimal degree of shifting of one feature or another, all faces are fairly symmetrical. Once you know the tilt, have found the cross section, and laid in the centerline of the head, your next step is to shave to two side of our sphere on either side of the cross section. Step 2-Now that you have the cross section established, the next thing you will do is divide the head into thirds. Next Page> Online Living for Artists. Onedrawingaday. - Drawing lessons.