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BeEF - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project. Research - BEAST SSL/TLS attack - POET The ASP.NET Vulnerability - Padding Oracle. Practical Padding Oracle Attacks This paper discusses how cryptography is misused in the security design of a large part of the Web.

research - BEAST SSL/TLS attack - POET The ASP.NET Vulnerability - Padding Oracle

Our focus is on ASP.NET, the web application framework developed by Microsoft that powers 25% of all Internet web sites. Website Security with Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner. w3af - Open Source Web Application Security Scanner. Yaptest pentestmonkey. Some brief instructions on how to install the latest version of yaptest… Download Download yaptest-0.2.1.tar.gz.

Yaptest pentestmonkey

Also see the CHANGELOG. Update: The google code SVN is more up to date. OWASP Mantra. Mantra on Chromium.

OWASP Mantra

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