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Open Source Mac - Free Mac software, all open-source, all OS X. Mac360 | Daily Macintosh App Reviews & Apple Commentary. 10 Awesome Uses for Automator Explained. This post aims to give you a quick look into the potential of Automator by creating some very simple and actually quite handy workflow applications of your own. Many of these applications will take a matter of seconds for you to create, but could save you much more time in the long run.

Automator is certainly worth spending some time getting know. I hope creating these basic automations will give you a view at the potential for some much more complicated and incredible time saving automations that can be created. 1. We're going to start off with a fairly simple task. For this workflow I'm going to create a folder action. Photo Rename - pick the Folder option You'll be presented with an empty workflow navigator. First, you'll want to choose the proper folder where this action is assigned to.

Every action we'll need for this one will be filed under Files & Folders. On the Rename Finder Items action select the Make Sequential option. Next, drag in another Rename Finder Items action. 2. 3. Accueil. Mac|Life | iPhone, iPad, Mac. - Mac Tricks and Tips, Wallpapers and Applications for Mac Users. Liens. OS Templates | Open Source Templates - Free CSS Templates. Mac Freeware and Free mac Software for OSX.